Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Dear Daily Crux reader,

Here is your Crux PM update:

The biggest financial disaster nobody is talking about
"Monetary Stalingrad" could rip apart the euro union.

Our new tax plan: welfare cases to receive free money from the productive
Obama's plan is government-sponsored theft, pure and simple.

Commodity market falling apart… at lowest point since 2002
"There's a view in the markets that the stimulus plan as it stands right now is not going to work…"

"Buy American" clause in the stimulus package is "poison"
Our friend Michael Covel blogs on protectionism... Interesting video featured on the post.

New figures say 1 in 9 homes are empty
It's great news if you're a squatter.

How a sensible person views the price of gold
"I'm committed to a lifetime pattern of purchasing and I will never sell."

Crisis in Kansas… the state is broke
"We are out of cash, in essence..."

The magazine industry is getting absolutely crushed
Newsweeklies and financials lead a historic downturn.


The Daily Crux