Saturday, 14 February 2009

Deficit Nonchalance 
Who remembers economists’ hysteria over the “Reagan deficits”? Wall Street was in panic. Reagan’s fiscal irresponsibility was bringing the end of the world.

• “Great Recession” seen lasting 3 years, experts say 
• House OKs $787B stimulus bill with GOP opposition 
• Obama Hails Stimulus Passage as ‘Major Milestone’

Inflation in Russia may hit 14% in 2009 - finance minister 
Inflation in Russia could reach 14% in 2009 due to increased borrowing from its reserve funds to cover the budget deficit, the finance minister said on Saturday.

Elevator Ad (Americans Fired, Foreign Workers Hired) 
On February 2, 2009, NumbersUSA and the Coalition for the Future American Worker launched an ad campaign focusing on the fact that American businesses continue to import 1.5 million foreign workers each year when there are more than 11 million unemployed Americans.

Hillary Clinton says ABM system hinges on Iran’s actions 
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday the Obama administration might reconsider its plans to deploy an ABM system in Eastern Europe – if Iran agrees to compromise on its nuclear program.