Down on the farm: How the EU is screwing our farmers « Roger ... By editor And he is very concerned about the proposed extension of the EU’s IPPC (this is the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive — not to be confused with the IPCC, which is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). ... The EU has not attempted to tighten regulations on cattle, because it is too difficult and expensive. But it seems happy to apply expensive restrictions to poultry. The change which may result from the proposed tightening of the regulations ... Roger Helmer MEP - |
Turkey assets rebound on improved global sentiment - Reuters ... By Jimmy It is understood the HSE has ... finances have also been affected by the cost of providing medical cards for workers who ... hours a week to comply with the EU working time directive and also to make ... Trichet says regulation must be ... Just another Digs News and Info - |
Rugfish and politics: EU Dreams are "absurd" top UK intelligensia ... By (Rugfish) The EU, the UK and the US economies have all messed up their banking regulations, failing to demand enough capital in the good times, and then temporarily demanding too much capital in the bad times. .... Address given by Karl Gruber to the Council of Ministers (Vienna, 6 April 1948) · Directives for the Austrian Delegation to the Paris Conference attended by the countries participating in the Marshall Plan (18 March 1948) · Official memorandum on the stance to be taken ... Rugfish and politics - |
Germany's Merkel reiterates call for regulation of hedge funds The Berlin meeting brought together leaders and senior officials from Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency. ... popularly described as tax havens, including the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands, have signed tax information exchange treaties with the US and various European countries, and have agreed to implement the European Union's Savings Tax Directive. ... Hedgeweek News - |
IPKat - news and fun for everyone!: IP rights in the Court of ... By (Jeremy) Ofcom accepted that the information held on the website was 'environmental information' for the purposes of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, SI 2004/3391, which implemented Directive 2003/4 on public access to environmental ..... 27 April 2009: "Best practice project on IPR enforcement support measures", organised by the European Commission's DG for Enterprise and Industry. Venue: Brussels, Belgium. Further details of this free event can be accessed here. ... IPKat - news and fun for everyone! - |
Monday, 23 February 2009
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Britannia Radio