Dear JTA Reader: We wanted to let you know about our new special report, Identity Crisis: Muslims in Europe. In the series, JTA's European correspondents explore the origins of radicalism, Muslim influence on European politics, the challenge of integration and what Muslims can learn from Jews. Thanks for your readership, Uriel Heilman JTA special coverage As terrorist attacks have forced Europe to focus on homegrown Islamic radicalism, Europe is struggling to understand the sense of fury and alienation many Muslims feel that, in a few rare cases, might lead them to try to murder their neighbors. More In Britain, the government and some Muslim groups are trying to counter the threat of extremism with tougher law enforcement and new “de-radicalization” programs. It will be years, if not decades, before their success can be measured with any accuracy. More The political impact and influence of Europe’s growing Muslim population is playing an increasingly significant role in European politics.More Teachers across Germany say they face a special challenge from those of immigrant backgrounds, most of whom are Muslims. Disenfranchised from the mainstream, many of these students echo anti-Semitic attitudes heard at home, trade schoolyard insults about Jews or express Holocaust denial, testing German taboos. More Islamophobia—the fear, hatred, discrimination or negative stereotyping of Muslims—has become a leading form of xenophobia in Europe and is inextricably connected with anti-immigrant sentiment. More In one ethnically diverse Paris neighborhood, some community leaders are trying to ease tensions between Muslims and Jews, who remain divided more by class and race than by religion and ethnicity. More
The making of Islamic terrorists
Can Britain de-program the radicalism of its Muslim population?
Public meeting called by Hizb ut-Tahrir at All Saints Parish Church in Bedford, England discussing the “radicalization” of Muslims. ( Fotdmike / Creative Commons)
Muslims demonstrated in large numbers, like this rally in London on Jan. 3, 2009, to protest against Israel during its recent incursion into Gaza. (Claudia Vieira / Creative Commons)Politics and power: The Muslim factor in European politics
A Holocaust lesson for Muslim youth in Europe
Fear and loathing in Europe: Islamophobia and the challenge of integration
Muslim-Jewish ties: Trying to talk, not fight, in one Paris neighborhood
The Jamia Mosque in the United Kingdom was vandalized last December in one of many anti-Muslim acts that nongovernmental agencies say is a growing problem in Europe. (The Muslim News)
Thursday, 26 February 2009
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Britannia Radio