February, 12 2009
Anti-immigrant vigilante groups in Italy could begin organising themselves to start street patrols to monitor any illegal activities by immigrants. The Italian senate last week approved legislation allowing the patrols, which will be able to point out events that can cause harm to public security,.
Police Professional - (12/02)
Labour MPs are raging at the independent Office of National Statistics for having the temerity to reveal some uncomfortable truths about foreign...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
GORDON Brown's "British jobs for British workers" slogan returned again to haunt him yesterday with the publication of new evidence showing a massive increase in foreign employees in the...
UK Express - (12/02)
Two illegal immigrants are to be deported after being arrested in Leeds Market. After a tip-off that illegal immigrants were being employed staff from the UK Border Agency swooped on two stalls and detained the men at...
Yorkshire Evening Post - (12/02)
A family of migrants today told how the use of a single word was enough to evade security in Calais so as to start a new life in Eldorado Britain. After travelling thousands of miles to fulfill their English dream, the four simply had to say family to get past border...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
Labour ministers are furious at a decision to release official statistics that highlight the increase in foreign workers in Britain. Yesterday the ONS revealed that the number of non-UK nationals in work rose by 214,000 to...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
An illegal immigrant who was caught selling counterfeit pornographic DVDs in Pontypridd will be deported after serving 12 months in prison. Zhen Feng Jiang, aged 37 of Tudor Street, Cardiff was caught selling counterfeit films, including pornographic DVDs on Maritime Industrial Estate following...
Rhondda Cynon Taf - (12/02)
FOREIGN workers have nabbed more than 200,000 jobs over the last year while the number of Britons in work has plummeted, it was revealed yesterday.
The Sun - (12/02)
A former bricklayer and painter, 35-year-old Andres Rangel Sanchez has traded in his brushes and trowel for a hairnet, a face-mask and a pair of rubber...
BBC News Devon - (12/02)
Uncontrolled population growth threatens to undermine efforts to save the planet, warns John Feeney. In this week's Green Room, he calls on the environmental movement to stop running scared of this controversial...
BBC News Devon - (12/02)
Unemployment has reached a 12-year high while the number of foreign workers has risen by more than 200,000, figures revealed yesterday. The official number of...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
Karen Dunnell, the National Statistician, has been at the centre of a series of rows with the Government as she tries to establish the Office for National Statistics as an independent...
The Times - (11/02)
Graphic: imported labour A politically explosive mix of unemployment and immigration figures sent a shiver of apprehension through government ministers...
The Times - (11/02)
Statisticians can cause quite a stir just by being honest. Yesterday the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the latest employment figures. They show that in the past 12 months the employment of British workers has fallen by about 250,000 while the number of foreign workers has gone up by about...
The Times - (11/02)
Im not against the publication of statistics but they have to be accurate, relevant and very clear. So I think that to put out figures on foreign-born workers on the same day as the release of unemployment statistics is not...
The Times - (11/02)
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Legislation allows anti-immigrant patrols
A disgraceful campaign to hide the truth about foreign workers
Illegal immigrants arrested on Leeds Markets
How simply saying the word 'family' got four immigrants past Calais border guards and into 'Eldorado' Britain
Statistics chief accused of intending to embarrass Brown with foreign workers figures
Counterfeit DVD Seller Jailed
Foreigners grab 200,000 Brit jobs
Hard times force Spaniards back to fields
Population: The elephant in the room
Unemployment hits 12-year high of 1.97million
Clashes in bid for independence
Volatile mix of jobs and race will give ministers the jitters
Statisticians are right to publish and be damned
The bare facts are not enough to stop misuse
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Britannia Radio