February, 14 2009
Politicians have asked why a Lithuanian man who murdered a woman in Angus was allowed to enter the UK despite a previous conviction for...
BBC News Berkshire - (13/02)
Some cheery predictions for Friday...
BusinessGreen.com - (13/02)
POLISH workers are being bussed in to work on a government contract to repair Royal Navy ships at Cammell Laird. Ship-fitting contractor Trimline today claimed it was forced to bring in European labour to work at Lairds Bidston Docks site because there were not enough local skilled...
LiverpoolEcho.co.uk - (13/02)
GPs should not be expected to police or refuse care to vulnerable migrants, say GP experts. The Royal College of General Practitioners this week launched its position statement on primary care access for failed asylum seekers and vulnerable...
Onmedica - (13/02)
The approaching European elections have sparked yet another debate over the likelihood of the British National Party winning representation. Despite having failed to secure local council representatives outside a handful of areas (and never finishing above third place in a general election), the BNP enjoys a.
Guardian.co.uk - (13/02)
Asylum detainees win record payout A family of asylum-seekers whose children were forcibly detained for two months in a UK immigration centre have been paid record compensation by the...
Community Care - (13/02)
A RETIRED Worcester woman who married a Turkish waiter is distraught the Home Office will not allow him into the country. Kathleen Ekiz, aged 62, married Hakan, 38, in December 2006 but the Home Office has refused him entry into the UK despite several visa...
Worcester News - (13/02)
Labour was tonight accused of a 'disgraceful' attempt to 'bully' independent statisticians who revealed uncomfortable truths about the number of foreign workers in the...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
GORDON Brown's "British jobs for British workers" slogan returned again to haunt him yesterday with the publication of new evidence showing a massive increase in foreign employees in the...
Daily Express - (12/02)
The UK's National Statistician, Karen Dunnell, has become involved in the debate over foreign workers, revealing that the number of foreign workers has...
www.publicservice.co.uk - (12/02)
A family of Iraqi migrants today told how saying "family" was enough to evade security in Calais and start a new life in Britain. Faradh and Bahan Maruj and their two children are now living in Birmingham after paying people smugglers $800 to cross the...
This is London - (12/02)
The far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders was turned away from Heathrow today after testing the Home Secretarys ban on him entering the country. Immigration officials denied the Dutch MP entry to the country after the Government decided he should not be allowed to attend a screening of his...
The Times - (12/02)
Anti-immigrant vigilante groups in Italy could begin organising themselves to start street patrols to monitor any illegal activities by immigrants. The Italian senate last week approved legislation allowing the patrols, which will be able to point out events that can cause harm to public security,.
Police Professional - (12/02)
LABOUR isn't working: the slogan that propelled Margaret Thatcher to power 30 years ago looks ever more relevant to today's economic situation. Official unemployment is close to two million and rising...
Daily Express - (12/02)
Labour MPs are raging at the independent Office of National Statistics for having the temerity to reveal some uncomfortable truths about foreign...
Daily Mail - (12/02)
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Outrage over murderer's UK entry
UK should prepare for rising seas, heat waves and resource wars
Poles bussed in work on ships at Cammell Laird
GPs not expected to police migrants, says RCGP
Yes, the BNP could win in Europe
Asylum detainees win record payout
Woman distraught as Turkish waiter husband is refused entry to UK
Labour 'bullied Office of National Statistics' over its report on TRUE number of foreign workers in Britain
ONS releases foreign workers data
Migrants who walked into UK just by saying 'family'
Anti-Islamist politician Geert Wilders refused entry to Britain
Legislation allows anti-immigrant patrols
A disgraceful campaign to hide the truth about foreign workers
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Britannia Radio