Sunday, 15 February 2009

February, 15 2009

London News: British officials visit Guantanamo Bay ahead of Londoner Binyam Mohamed's release
BRITISH officials have travelled to Guantanamo Bay to visit detainee Binyam Mohamed and prepare for his expected release. The team, who left Miami Airport today en route to the US prison camp on Cuba, include a doctor who will assess Mr Mohamed's... 
The London Paper - (14/02)

Asylum-seekers given £40 a week for gas/electricity!
ASYLUM seekers and refugees living in Middlesbrough are being given £40 a week for their gas and electricity bills, courtesy of local council... 
Newstin - (14/02)

When the going gets tough ...
By way of small talk, David Blunkett is explaining what he did last Friday night. "I had some late meetings and made it to an awards ceremony with two minutes to... - (14/02)

Head on beach nut had killed before
Vitas Plytnykas, 41, tortured fellow Lithuanian Jolanta Bledaite, 35, to rob her of £1,400 savings. He had previously stabbed a homeless man in a row over drugs in Germany but was still let into... 
Online Sun - (14/02)

Leading article: Let asylum-seekers work
Maybe it is a consequence of the recession. Maybe it is simply that the court system still moves at snail's pace. Whatever the reason, the vexed question of asylum-seekers is moving up the public and political agenda... 
The Independent - (14/02)