Sunday, 15 February 2009
Free speech ends midnight tonight, folks! E-mails - from tomorrow!
Free speech ends midnight tonight, folks!
It's been a pleasure knowing you all, over the last 9 years!
"Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest" this message
Best wishes,
Starting from tomorrow every e-mail sent in this country will be collected, stored and passed to the government and their politically-correct people in the police force.
Therefore those that send illegal e-mails that contain illegal terminology, merely ensure that they go on the police records as a domestic terrorist, racist and extremist.
Those e-mails will also be used against you in a Court of Law, if the police prosecute you in the future and will be used against you when they come and start interning people, in the near future.
If you send me an e-mail with idiotic terminology in it, then I will know that you are either an idiot, or an agent provocateur.
In a time then we are under constant attack by the state, only fools give the enemy the ammunition to destroy you.
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Britannia Radio