Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Gordon Brown calls for World Bank and IMF reform

Gordon Brown said the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank need major overhauls because they are not equipped to deal with the global recession in their current forms.


Setting out the aims of the G20 summit in London to a group of economists and academics on Monday, the Prime Minister said leaders should use the event in April as an opportunity to reform the institutions.

"I believe the IMF and World Bank will have to change their role quite dramatically. These institutions were built for a world of local capital flows, not global capital flows. The institutions we have inherited are not equipped for the tasks we have to deal with in the future."

He said bold solutions were needed to avert future crises and suggested that changes are needed to the way the institutions are funded: "I see a big argument about how the IMF and the World Bank are to be financed, one that will require us to talk about the reserves in different countries, talk about what sort of loan or bond facility we can develop, perhaps with the Arab states, even sovereign wealth funds," he said.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the IMF, warned over the weekend that the fund could run out of money to fight the financial crisis in as little as six months.

The Prime Minister said the world required an authoritative early-warning system to spot future problems. "We've never given anybody sufficient teeth that their views are treated seriously, that people have to act when those warnings are given," he said.

Mr Brown added the IMF should act as a more sophisticated surveillance system, while the World Bank should increase its resources and play a greater role in environmental development.