42 dock workers are to be axed at ABP ... equivalent to 10% of the workforce ... from across all sectors and will include senior managers ... Trade in key areas has “dropped like a stone”... The jobs blow comes hard on the heels of a succession of bad news for hard-hit dockworkers and just days after Prime Minister Gordon Brown hailed the port as “one of the most important parts of the economy”Government Contractor Mattinson Donates to Labour - Red Box
Mandelson : Labour To Cut Slow Rate of Spending Growth - WSJ
London Tory AM Triples Expense Claims to £102,965 - Tory Troll
FCO: British Minister's Bank Propped Up Mugabe - Telegraph
Brown Did it With Dignity - Quentin Letts
Sadly, the House Got It Wrong About Ivan Cameron - Matthew Parris
Only Two MPs Sign EDM Pledge to Offer Value for Money - Dizzy
Turner Blames Bank Crisis On Brown's "Light Touch" - Paul Waugh
Tories Raise Double Labour Donations - Electoral Commission
MEPs Not the Most Detested Politicians - Dan Hannan
Is Mandy's P45 in the Mail? - Ben BroganSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2009
Jonah Brown Sinks Southampton
A worried student co-conspirator has just emailed:Dear Guido,
Just thought you might want to know Gordon turned up unannounced at Oxford University today to deliver the annual Romanes lecture, titled‘Science and the Economy’. Despite beginning by talking about the fact Gladstone put more effort into researching and writing his Romanes Lecture than anything else he did in his life, Gordon’s lecture was the dullest of SpAd-written drivel. He also told a completely bullshit story about Einstein and his chauffeur (debunked here), even having the cheek to set it in Britain, adding to the lie. Finally, and no doubt striking fear into the heart of the audience, he invoked the curse of Jonah by praising Oxford’s scientific achievement and hoping it continues into the future. Will we ever discover anything again? I’d be surprised if the University’s still here this time next year after that endorsement!Guido will be cheering Ireland on in the rugby tomorrow. England fans should note that on Wednesday the England rugby team visited Downing Street. Diplomatically he didn't wish them luck (Scotland are in also in the six nations).
But frankly the Jonah curse is on our side...
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Gordon's visit to Southampton is not without casulties:
Source Daily Echo
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Britannia Radio