Green Car Congress: EU Action to Alter New German Biofuel Law Because the draft law contained changes to the existing tax incentives for biofuels, Germany had to refer the draft to the EU for evaluation of compliance with EU state aid regulations. In January, the European Commission (COM) extended a “ stand still” period for the draft German law on several grounds:. Some of the sustainability criteria in the German draft are not in alignment with the EU directives on the use of energy from renewable sources. ... Green Car Congress - |
Brown lays the ground for recession rage | Coffee House Alan Johstone confirmed this on the Marr show and said the 2007 ECJ ruling had "unintended conseuences" which could be overturned by a new Directive. Too difficult for Marr of course. Line Tories should take; .... He knew that "British jobs for British workers" is illegal under EU regulations but he still says it and when, eventually the voting public recognise that it is a lie he cannot come out with an apology he just continues to dig himself into a deeper hole by comes ... Spectator Live - |
Sunday, 1 February 2009
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Britannia Radio