Jonathan Boston
Contact Details
Phone: +64 4 463 5456
Mobile: +64 27 563 5456
Office: RLWY 518
MA(Hons) Cant; DPhil (Oxford).
Jonathan Boston holds a Personal Chair in Public Policy and is the Director of the Institute of Policy Studies. He has published widely in the fields of public management, tertiary education, social policy, comparative government, New Zealand politics and climate change policy, including 21 books and over 170 journal articles and book chapters. During 1995-2003 he was a member of the New Zealand Political Change Project, based at Victoria University of Wellington and funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. The Project explored the behavioural, institutional and policy impacts of the introduction of proportional representation in New Zealand in 1996. In 2000-02 he served as a member of the Tertiary Education Advisory Commission, and subsequently worked for the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) on the design, implementation and evaluation of the Performance-Based Research Fund. In this capacity he was the primary author of the TEC's report on the 2003 Quality Evaluation of research performance in New Zealand's tertiary education sector. During 2005-08 he was Deputy Director of the IPS, and was appointed Director in mid 2008.
Towards a New Global Climate Treaty: Looking Beyond 2012
Climate change poses huge ethical, political, economic and technical challenges. The global community had taken initial steps to address these challenges, but this falls far short of what will be needed in the years ahead. The Kyoto Protocol, negotiated in 1997 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, requires industrialised countries to reduce their emissions by an average of 5% below 1990 levels during the first commitment period (2008-12). Most developing countries and all but two industrialised countries have ratified the Protocol – the exception being Australia and the United States. With the first commitment period ending in barely five years, the international community must now decide what is the right mix of policies and commitments needed to build the momentum required to reverse the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and help nations adapt to the unavoidable impact of climate change. Much is at stake – not least the well-being of many future generations of humanity.
This book explores the critical policy issues that will need to be addressed during the forthcoming negotiations for a post-2012 climate treaty. Particular attention is given to the implications of such a treaty for New Zealand including the issues affecting the energy, agricultural and forestry sectors. The book is based on a series of roundtable discussions hosted by the Institute of Policy Studies in mid-2007. The roundtable series was sponsored by the chief executives of the New Zealand government departments and involved about 120 people drawn from a diverse range of stakeholder groups, sectors and communities of interest. Contributors include Ralph Chapman, Pamela Chasek, Steve Hatfield-Dodds, Colin James, Lucas Kengmana, Adrian Macey and Murray Ward
ISBN: 1877347221
Published in November 2007
Paperback: $30.00 (add to basket)