In our belief, the development of the EU identity is a worthy and attainable goal because Europeans share not only common values, a common history, but also share a common future in the integration process. An identity is at the heart of European integration project and the EU identity should be considered as "unity in diversity". The EU identity as unity in diversity is a belief in the common and a faith in the difference. Each country has its own national identity but added to that one can choose the EU identity and let the EU identity be a part of a member state’s identity. Therefore, the objectives of the EU’s cultural policy have to protect and promote cultural identity at regional, national and European levels and to realize an open and dynamic European cultural space which contributes to the EU identity. In the process of creating the common identity, there are certain things need to be thought of and done locally, traditions for example; for the other matters it would be more appropriate to think and act nationally like cultural policies; for economic, foreign and security policies, a European approach is much more suitable and a global approach is for environmental and trade policies. In some fields such as human rights, social policy and financial policy, the EU has gone towards the notion of unity, union. However, if people want to feel European, they should move towards a greatest degree of integration. They should try to abolish any elements of nationalism that prevent Europe from achieving the so much wanted union and try to reach the common cultural policy as well. It is important to remind people that Europe is what its countries and people make. If people make their country and society prosper, it also benefits Europe and the EU. European security means security for each of the countries and secure conditions and open democracy at home strengthens the EU. A stronger Europe bases on a common identity, socially and economically, is a safer Europe with a growing economy. Language and culture must be taught, to encourage people to learn more languages so they can speak in a common tongue. There should be many more school exchanges to make use of new technology: schools could use the internet to establish and work with partner schools in several countries. Media also has a real responsibility for advancing knowledge of the new Europe. As mentioned, education is another major factor in forming individual and collective the youth’s knowledge of European culture, make it much easier to communicate and feel freely with people educated in the same tradition. That is why the EU started sponsoring study in other member states, hoping for a positive impact on the sense of the EU identity. National identities time to form and develop, so does the EU identity.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Aw! Now ain't that nice? A european Identity
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Britannia Radio