By JAMES SLACK Labour was tonight accused of a 'disgraceful' attempt to 'bully' independent statisticians who revealed uncomfortable truths about the number of foreign workers in the UK. Senior party figures launched a vicious whispering campaign against the Office of Nationals Statistics after it released figures showing a surge of 214,000 in the number of non-UK born people working here as the country slid into recession. The data made a mockery of Gordon Brown's promise to create 'British jobs for British workers', as unemployment among UK-born people soared to a 12-year high. But, instead of debating the ONS's report, ministers launched a behind closed doors smear campaign against the Whitehall statisticians. A demonstrator holds a placard outside the Total Lindsey refinery in Lincolnshire during wildcat strikes over the use of foreign labour Unnamed sources told the Times newspaper that ministers were 'fizzing' with anger, accusing the ONS of a political act designed to embarrass Gordon Brown over his 'British jobs' soundbite. A senior government source told the Labour supporting newspaper: 'The fact that they highlighted this in this way, in a press release, looks like they are trying to embarrass the Government over the slogan ‘British Jobs for British workers’. Last night, ministers - who have been repeatedly criticised for manipulating or 'spinning' ONS statistics - were attacked for their tactics. Critics suggested their intention was to bully the ONS into dropping the publication of similar statistics in future. The ONS's report pointed out that the total number of non-UK born workers increased by 214,000 - to 3.8 million - in the year to December. At the same time the number of UK-born workers in employment fell by 278,000 to 25.6 million. Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling said: 'The Government is utterly hypocritical when it comes to using official statistics. If the news is bad, they want it buried. If it's good, they want it all over the front page. 'When he became Prime Minister, Gordon Brown promised a new era of open Government. Now things are tough for him, he'll do anything he can to avoid facing up to what is really happening.' Tory MP James Clappison, a member of the Commons home affairs committee said there was a need for an open and honest debate on migration policy. He added: 'It is disgraceful that the Government should seek to bully an independent statistics authority.' Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said: 'It is astonishing that the ONS should be attacked for setting out the facts of the case. 'In the past the public have been deeply suspicious of official statistics on immigration. It is absolutely right for the ONS to seek to rebuild their confidence.' Those questioning the ONS included Keith Vaz, the Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. He said: 'The danger is that such information could be misconstrued or misused by those who do not support the view that Britain should be a diverse and multicultural society.' Yesterday, Mr Vaz raised the issue directly with Mr Brown at a Parliamentary committee. Mr Brown said: 'This is a decision that the independent Office for National Statistics has made. This is not a decision that the Government has made to publish this information.' He also sought to distance himself from the 'British jobs' promise he made in September 2007. Mr Brown told MPs: 'Statements taken out of context can be completely misleading. think if you look back on the speech that I made, I wanted to say that in an open, global economy where there is a huge amount of mobility it is important that we do everything in our power to give British workers the skills that are necessary for them to be able to get the jobs that are available in our country.' The ONS said the employment statistics released yesterday included the number of UK-born and non-UK born workers in the same way as they do every time they are released. The only different step taken today was that the ONS published a short release specifically highlighting the figures. This analysis had been due to be released in two week's time, alongside a raft of other immigration statistics, but was brought forward to make it more relevant. A spokesman said: 'Given the level of interest in this aspect of the labour market, and since calculations are not straightforward, we decided to publish estimates by our standard techniques. 'The aim is to help public information and avoid potential confusion if alternative statistics were published.' Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below? Every time I hear the name VAZ, I feel like reaching for the sick bag. So our Government is furious that these figures have been released thereby exposing the true figures of foreign nationals currently employed in this country.Logically, if employing foreign workers is far cheaper than employing British labour, employers will jump at the chance. Europe is not a level playing field, few if any other country in Europe has the same, beneficial to employers,regulations that we have, ultimately we could find ourselves with no British people employed at all!! Whoopee, aren't we a bunch of suckers completely taken in by the EU and our Governments desire to bend over backwards to comply with any EU edict, no other country complies like we do. Only one sensible conclusion, get out now and leave the Muppet's to get on with it!!Labour 'smeared ONS fact-finders' over report on TRUE number of foreign workers in Britain
Last updated at 8:22 PM on 12th February 2009Share this article:
Thursday, 12 February 2009
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Britannia Radio
Ouch...the truth really does hurt. ZanuLabour have got used to burying the truth when it suits them, so when the ONS reveals the truth that they don't want heard by the public they go on the attack and accuse the ONS of political spin. Pot, Kettle and Black spring to mind.
- Roger, Surrey, 12/2/2009 12:02