By LORD DIGBY JONES The past few weeks have been among the most instructive but disturbing of my life. As unemployment soars towards two million, I have been touring the country speaking to workers who have devoted their lives to the British manufacturing industry. Again and again I have been asked the same question: While Gordon Brown borrows billions to bail out the banks, what is he doing for us? Unless the Government wakes up fast and turns its many initiatives into reality, I suspect the answer will be 'too little, too late'. Lord Digby Jones in this week's Dispatches. He warns that Britain's Jobcentre Plus network is 'not fit for purpose' Just imagine being a skilled worker on the production line at JCB in Staffordshire, Nissan in Sunderland or Honda in Swindon. These are not failing organisations. They are modern, competitive companies that make products people want - except there is not currently enough credit in the system for people to buy them. There have certainly been eye-catching Government headlines. The Prime Minister has been on a jobs tour of Britain. He has held a jobs summit. He has said that 100,000 jobs will be created in the coming year, together with 35,000 apprenticeships, internships for new graduates and individual help for the unemployed. But in the course of making a TV documentary, Dispatches: The Big Job Hunt, I discovered worrying signs that whatever new jobs are created are likely to be low-paid and low-skill and that the Government safety net promised for newly unemployed workers will struggle to cope. Until last year, I was a Minister for Trade serving under Gordon Brown. I also represented business as a former director-general of the Confederation of British Industry. I've seen at first-hand the measures that other countries have taken to protect their manufacturing skills base and I'm worried that, unless we follow suit, the country will pay the price for years to come. Unless the Government takes bold steps right now to preserve jobs, skills and factories, we could blight an entire generation with long-term unemployment. The result is that the economic balance of Britain will not be sustainable. A dwindling private sector will struggle to finance a mushrooming bill for welfare, health and public-sector salaries and - an increasing worry - pensions. The difference between this recession and those of 1982 and 1992 is that our companies are now in much better shape. JCB, for example, is a world-beater. Honda and Nissan are among the most modern and efficient car plants in the world. If we let these factories disappear because of a short-term dip in orders, we are committing national economic suicide. I'm not talking about a state bailout for failing industries. We tried that in the Seventies with British Leyland and it was an unqualified disaster. Instead, we need to follow our competitors in other countries by giving Government help to enable skilled workforces in key industries to survive the downturn. What I'm calling for is a triple sacrifice. If a major company has a faltering order book and needs to put its factories on a two-day week, the company should bear some of the cost, the workers should accept lower wages in return for keeping their jobs and the Government should make a contribution towards keeping the factory open. Picture Britain five years from now. Perhaps the City of London - the engine of national growth for much of the past two decades - has been slimmed down through the lean years of recession. Service industries, too, are not as buoyant as they once were. That leaves Britain's traditional economic core - the manufacturing industry - with a far larger role to play in terms of wealth generation. Now is the time to make sure we are ready to face the challenge from the Far East and our European neighbours. History tells us that the countries and industries that reap the benefits of an upturn in demand are those which are best placed to respond. That means we need functioning, well-equipped factories already in place and a pool of readily available skilled labour. Many people will be instinctively suspicious of anything that looks like the taxpayer paying people to sit at home. But if these factories close, they will be lost for ever and the taxpayer will end up paying far more in benefits, healthcare and other social costs. The Government shouldn't forget that the private sector generates all our national wealth. The state sector merely spends the money the Treasury collects in taxes. That is why we should think of this support as an investment in our collective economic future - Germany, France and Italy have already announced billions of pounds in state aid to their struggling car industries. As part of my research for Dispatches, I also looked at the Government's promises on job creation and at its safety net for the unemployed. The old Jobcentres have been rebranded as Jobcentre Plus. They are supposed to be a one-stop shop for anyone who loses their job by providing a personally tailored service that might involve finding new employment, training or even benefits advice. But I don't believe the Jobcentre Plus system is fit for purpose. About 500 centres have been closed over the past six years and I worry whether the organisation can cope with the sudden increase in demand and tailor its individual service to the type of unemployed people they are now seeing - graduates, professionals and highly skilled workers. Analysis commissioned by Dispatches reveals that the largest percentage of vacancies at Jobcentres - more than a quarter - was for the lowest-paid work, typically shelf-stackers, catering porters or road sweepers. The next biggest group - 19 per cent - includes call-centre staff, telesales and shop assistants. Only 6.4 per cent of vacancies are for managerial and professional occupations. Also of concern to me is that the Government has failed to give details of its pledge to create 100,000 jobs over the next two years - which appears to be the sum of Whitehall departmental estimates of what jobs might be created. It's debatable whether these jobs can be delivered in time, when help is needed now. Gordon Brown has said he will bring forward public construction projects. That's an excellent idea, but our antiquated planning process takes years. I have been tremendously impressed by the resilience of those I met who have lost their jobs. But statistics show that people who have been jobless for more than three months lose hope, lose their discipline and find it desperately difficult even to get out of bed in the morning. They become 'long-term unemployed' and their lives and health are blighted by that. These are often the children of those who were forced on to the dole during that last economic recession of 1992. We saw then how painful, how socially divisive and how individually harmful unemployment can be. It is bad news for the country as a whole. I'd stress to people who lose their jobs that they must be as flexible as possible - both in what work they are prepared to take and how far they will travel for a new job. But it is the responsibility of Government to put the right structures in place to save as many jobs and as many skills as possible by preserving Britain's best manufacturing industry until economic conditions improve. • Dispatches: Monday 16 February, Channel 4 at 8pmLORD DIGBY JONES: Gordon Brown says that he will create 100,000 jobs. One in four will be shelf-stackers
Last updated at 10:23 PM on 14th February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
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Britannia Radio