Sunday, 15 February 2009

Melanie Phillips is a shallow neo-con. 

Anyone who terms avigdor lieberman an "extreme nationalist" is a useful idiot (or complicit fellow traveler) in the perennial gimmicks by which lieberman makes some "inflammatory" statement (as the media all quickly describe it) about enforcing the laws on Arabs as well as against Jews and then gets labelled as an "ultra nationalist" etc when he already has, quietly accepted a "palestinian" state.

Also nb, that his position on "civil" (homosexual, lesbian or secular -- "no-fault" divorce) marriages and conversions will quickly destroy what's left of Israel's integrity and merge it into the EU.

While most of the members on YB's list are indeed "nationalist" his portrayal in the media that phillips helps promote is dishonest and dangerously misleading. 

Of course he'd go with Kadima.

As for Israeli sovereignty, Dennis Ross last week said, accurately that "Israel has no foreign politics, only domestic politics" which means, correctly, that the heads of its parties are controlled by EU and NATO powers. So melanie is sort of awake, for a neo-con.

Prof E. N.