Monday, February 02, 2009
Greek Riot Police Fire Tear Gas at Farmers
Foreign Confidential....
Riot police fired tear gas at farmers from the island of Crete Monday to stop them from driving their tractors from the Greek port of Piraeus to Athens to protest low prices for their products and demand financial help. The incident was the latest twist in nearly two weeks of protests by Greek farmers, who had used their tractors to block border crossings and highways across the country for days.Analysts: Testing Time for US-China Ties
The United States and China are set for new tensions under Barack Obama amid extra pressure caused by the economic crisis, but will likely work together to iron out their differences, analysts say.
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Obama's administration could take a harder line on trade disputes and human rights than George W. Bush's team, they argued.Sunday, February 01, 2009
Bloodthirsty Iran Still Threatening Rushdie
Foreign Confidential....
Iran's Islamist revolution is 30 years old. Though focused on nuclear arms and missiles, proxy wars and, we believe, mega-terrorism, the monstrous mullahocracy (which came to power with the complicity of the catastrophic Carter administration) is still in the assassination business.
Jeff Stein reports on the plight of one of its targets:For 20 years Salman Rushdie has lived with the threat that an Iranian agent might slip into his house or walk up to him on the sidewalk and put a knife in his ribs.
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Less well known is that Iranian agents have succeeded in killing or maiming others connected with the publication of “The Satanic Verses,” the British Indian writer’s novel set partly in the life of Islam’s founder Mohammed.
None of the culprits has been arrested.Bibi Means Business
Foreign Confidential....
Bibi means what he says and says what he means: no nukes for Iran.
Aaron Heller reports from Jerusalem:Benjamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu, Israel's leading candidate for prime minister, said Saturday that Iran "will not be armed with a nuclear weapon."
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In an interview with Israel's Channel 2 TV, Netanyahu said if elected prime minister his first mission will be to thwart the Iranian nuclear threat. Netanyahu, the current opposition leader and head of the hardline Likud party, called Iran the greatest danger to Israel and to all humanity.
When asked if stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions included a military strike, he replied: "It includes everything that is necessary to make this statement come true."China Considering Greater Stimulus
AFP reports:China may take "extraordinary measures" to boost its economy beyond a $580 economic stimulus plan announced late last year, Premier Wen Jiabao told theFinancial Times.
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"We may take further new, timely and decisive measures. All these measures have to be taken pre-emptively before an economic retreat," he told the business daily in an interview published Monday.
Monday, 2 February 2009
While Washington dilly-dallies, Beijing is acting boldly and decisively.
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Britannia Radio