McCain blasts Obama... a day late and a dollar short, Johnny Mac. Senate Democrats Confident on Stimulus Vote - Thank you Arlen Specter, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.Monday, February 09, 2009
How To Use Obamanomics In Your Daily life
A hilarious way of practicing Obamanomics and `spreading the wealth around.....':Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign the read "Will Vote For Change." I thought that was hilarious.
Once in the restaurant, I noticed my server had on a "Obama 08" button, so I thought this was a superb opportunity to see how this works in real life.
When the bill came, I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama concept of spreading the wealth around. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip as an economic stimulus to the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed away ...apparently he has no concept of Hope n' Change.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I decided he could use the money as a stimulus. The homeless guy was grateful and thanked me.
At the end of my experiment in economic stimulus, I realized the homeless guy was happy to take money he did not earn, but the waiter was really angry that I gave away the money he earned even though the homeless guy needed the stimulus more,based on my criteria. Obviously the waiter was Rich, and doesn't understand that the homeless guy needed and deserved the money more, based on Obamanomics. The homeless guy,however, was happy with the Change.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
And I guess the waiter just needs to get used to working for the change he voted for, hmmm?Spendulus Bill Passes Senate Clothure Vote 61- 36..Grab Yer Ankles, America!
A 'lean bill' for $838 billion dollars of our money.
That makes almost ten trillion in bailouts, spending, guarantees, and "stimulus" so far, and believe me there's more to come.
That's 2/3rds of the entire value of our Gross Domestic product - everything produced in the US - last year. Not 2/3rds of the federal budget, but two thirds of what the US economy produced. Enough to pay off 90% of the home mortgages in the entire country in full.
The three stooges of course were Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter, with prospective comerce secretary Judd Gregg, who abstained out of respect for his new boss getting an honorable mention.
At least the guys who pulled off the Brinks heist were honest about being thieves.
Remember, I tried to warn you... when Obama gets through with you, you'd better hope you have some change left.
', 'Israel Goes To The Polls
The Israeli elections begin tommorow ( tonight,our time) and I think it's helpful to understand the basic outlines. And especially,why they're important.
Two other members of the Olmert government troika, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of Olmert's Kadima Party and Defense Minister Ehud Barak of Labor are up for election as Prime Minister. The two main candidates opposing them are Benyamin ( Bibi) Netanyahu of Likud and Avigdor Lieberman of Yisrael Beiteinu( Israel Our Home).
The Olmert/Livni/Barak government has, to say the least, been one of the most undistinguished in Israel's history. That government has seen Israel's security deterrant begin to melt away while the country involved itself in two inconclusive and prematurely ended wars that failed to dislodge two genocidal Iranian proxies who now have the means to hit almost all of Israel with increasingly accurate and powerful missiles.
Even worse, the current government has failed to deal with the existential threat of Iran's nuclear missiles, relying on the EU and the US to deal with it while at the same time failing to learn the lessons of the failed policies of the Oslo era.
If most polls show Israel as having veered to the right and as opposing a Palestinian state, that is simply a response to the actions of the Palestinians and their fellow Arabs over the last 15 years.
Simply put, the majority of Israelis have gone from believing that peace was possible back in the 1990's to realizing that no matter how much land it gives up,no matter how many Jews it uproots from their homes, no matter how many terorrists it releases from its jails it will never be enough to have the Arabs accept allowing Jews to live in peace in the Middle East...until they see there's no alternative.
It was Ze'ev Jabotinsky,founder of the Jewish legion that fought with the allies in WWI and the father of the Haganah who predicted this back in 1923 after the Arab pogroms against Jews in Israel when he said of the Arabs that "they would accept Zionism only when they found themselves up against an 'iron wall," or in other words, when they realized they had no alternative but to accept the Jews right to live in peace in Israel.
He was entirely correct and a majority of Israelis realize it, but one of the choices they will make on election day is whether to acknowledge that reality or whether to continue to live in the fantasy of Oslo.
Another decision the Israeli electorate is going to have to make unfortunately has to do with their relationship with America.
In spite of how it's been characterized,the Bush Administration and Condaleeza Rice were hardly all that pro-Israel. The Obama Administration is likely to be even less so. Obama's appointments of Susan Power and George Mitchell as well as his craven 'outreach' to Iran and the rest of the Muslim world are clear indications that one of President Obama's ideas for appeasing Muslims is to pressure Israel to accept
the Saudi Peace ultimatum in full, even if it destroys the Jewish State as it very likely would.
Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni have already shown that they would be far more amenable to this kind of blackmail. Bibi Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman would likely not be, and Netanyahu and Lieberman would also be far more likely to deal forcefully with Iran, even over the Obama Administration's objections. That's why you have anti-Israel writers on the Left like Jonathan Freedman in al-Guardian and EJ Dionne in the Washington Post urging the Israelis to 'vote for peace.'
In reality, a vote for either of the two remaining members of the Olmert troika is a vote for destruction, not peace. However, it might very well also be a vote for friction with the Obama Administration.
President Obama has thus far upset our allies in Poland, Czechoslovakia and India. Israel could very well be added to that list.
Israel is a parlimentary democracy. What that means is that coalition governments are the norm, and the magic number is 61, a majority of seats in the 120 member Knesset. While the party that wins the most seats normally gets the Prime Minister's slot, it is normally necessary to cut deals and bring other parties into the government by offering ministerial portfolios or other concessions to get to a majority.
Thus far, the polls show Netanyahu slightly ahead of Tzipi Livni and Kadima, but with Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu a strong third, ahead of Barak and Labor.
What that means is that if Netanyahu wins,he will likely have to form a coalition to the right with Lieberman and the religious and nationalist parties that woiul dpreclude any further giveaways of Jerusalem or in Judea and Samaria (AKA the West Bank).
Another rumor I'm hearing is that Kadima has a plan to give away the store and pay whatever Hamas wants in the form of releasing terrorists in order to get Gilad Shalit back as a boost to their election prospects.
We'll see what happens...stay tuned.
', 'Obama's 'Crisis' Used To Roll Back Work Requirements of Welfare Reform
Since the Spendulous bill includes,what,billions of dollars for HDTV coupons, I think we can aptly call the Obama approach bread and circuses.But it is part of a larger liberal campaign to use the recession to weaken work requirements and let millions of non-working single mothers back on the welfare rolls. Specifically, it would apparently reward states that expand their welfare caseloads--even if the increase is only the product of loosened work requirements rather than a worsening local economy.
Nothing wrong with helping states avoid anti-stimulating cuts in a recession. Nothing wrong with targeting money to the poorest, who are most likely to spend it quickly. But why use the aid specifically to encourage expansion of welfare? This isn't "welfare" as only conservative Republicans would define it--i.e. any means-tested assistance. This is welfare as everyone would define it--cash assistance to able-bodied single mothers (or fathers) who may or may not be working, as in the old, despised AFDC program. Better to use the money (and more) to create public jobs*** for these would-be recipients if private sector jobs have dried up, even if that upsets municipal employee unions (which don't want welfare recipients doing jobs their members might do). Don't revive the old AFDC principle that if you have a child, you can count on the government to take care of you with cash aid even if you don't work.
Will the Republicans in Congress make an issue out of this? They should.Australian Fires - Islamist Terrorism?
AUSTRALIA has been singled out as a target for "forest jihad" by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.
US intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the US, Europe and Russia to "start forest fires", claiming "scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do the same to our lands".
The website, posted by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network, argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the "eye for an eye" doctrine.
The posting — which instructs jihadis to remember "forest jihad" in summer months — says fires cause economic damage and pollution, tie up security agencies and can take months to extinguish so that "this terror will haunt them for an extended period of time".
"Imagine if, after all the losses caused by such an event, a jihadist organisation were to claim responsibility for the forest fires," the website says. "You can hardly begin to imagine the level of fear that would take hold of people in the United States, in Europe, in Russia and in Australia."
The internet posting by the little-known group claimed the idea of forest fires had been attributed to imprisoned Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab Al-Suri. It said Al-Suri had urged terrorists to use sulphuric acid and petrol to start forest fires.
The Australian press has revealed that they've caught a couple of arsonists, but not much else about them.
Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if some members of the Religion of Peace were involved..or if this becomes a jihad tactic used in the future.The Palestinian Myth
The great Palestinian myth is the myth of the naqbah, ('the catastrophe') which has a narrative that goes something like this..the Arabs were living peacefully in their own country when those wicked Jews invaded and stole their homes.
The above video is a fine revelation of the truth to those who buy this nonsense,in the Arab's own words. Similar sources can be found in Joan Peter's excellent book "From Time Immemorial".
That truth is that the vast majority of Arab 'refugees' left by choice at the urging of their Arab 'brothers', expecting to return after the Arab armies invading Israel (with Britain's overt assistance) performed a second Holocaust. That's why they brought those famous house keys with them.
It's also worth noting that 100,000 Arabs exercised that choice to remain in Israel and become Israeli citizens with full rights. The almost one milion Jews ethnically cleansed from the Arab world after 1948 were not given that kind of alternative.
By the way, a note on Deir Yassin, which the video mentions.It was the Arab chokepoint in the seige of the Jews of Jerusalem, whom the Arabs intended to massacre en masse down to the last child. It was a village fortified and defended by armed fighters to prevent convoys from reaching the besieged Jews, and as such had to be taken out as a military necessity.
While the brave Arab warriors were typically using non-combatants as human shields and some of those non-combatants were killed, the vast majority of the dead in Deir Yassin were armed combatants, despite the mythology, which was exploited by th earabs to encourage the Palestinian Arabs to join in the jihad. But as the video reveals, this tactic backfired as it simply encouraged more of them to leave. The Deir Yassin 'massacre' is about as factual as the Jenin 'massacre'...just another Arab fantasy.
Hatip to Carl in Jerusalem
', 'Shiny Happy Dhimmi #12 is UP!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
JoshuaPundit's Headlines, 2/8/09
All the links you need and nothing you don't... make sure to check back for updates.News
US Officials Offer Dismal Review of War in Afghanistan
Address ‘Root Causes’ of Terrorism, Muslim Envoys Urge Obama - It's all the fault of the Jooos, you know. And make sure you mention that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, and then fix us some halal sandwhiches while you're at it, dhimmi....chop chop!
Father accused of soliciting son to murder sister - I guess honor killings have nothing to do with Islam either..
Official: Yemen releases 170 al-Qaeda suspects - hey, they promised to be good!
Gaza: Hamas hunting Fatah loyalists who 'collaborated with Israel'
Netanyahu: Gamla Shall not Fall - Bibi plants a tree in the Golan and says he will not negotiate its separation from Israel
Australia ablaze with worst fires in history... terrorism?Opinion
Bernie Goldberg: My Conversation with Rush Limbaugh on How the 'Drive-By' Media Cheered Obama
How Europe's Companies Are Feeding Iran's Bomb
Culture of Corruption II - Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
U.S.-Mexico Border is Under Siege - Tom Miller, Washington Post
Our Brave New World - Victor Davis Hanson, Pajamas Media
America, What Have You Done?Melanie Phillips, the Spectator
How Odierno Reversed the Tide of Iraq War - Tom Ricks, Washington Post
', 'Obama's Bringing Hamas To America..On Our Dime
Apparently President Hope n'Change is lying through his pearly whites about our economy being in crisis.
Our president just signed an executive order appropriating $20.3 million of your tax dollars for `migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.' It was signed on January 27th and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4th.
This is designed to allow hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to resettle in the United States,the same people who voted Hamas into power en masse. And I'll guarantee you that a number of Hamas operatives will slip in as part of the group. The order not only provides free airplane tickets but provides for food and housing allowances, something no other immigrants get.
President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs of the victims" and he considers this "in the national interest."
Not one major media outlet is publicizing this.
We will see more of this... because part of Obama's strategy involves pandering to the Muslim world and importing the sort of immigrants who will fundamentally change the electorate.
Oh, here's something else we'll be seeing a lot more. I hope the 78% of American Jews who voted for President Obama take note..not only is the enemy now inside the gates, but you cast your ballots for someone with an agenda of increasing their numbers.
In the end, what matters is not whether Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim or not,but what he's prepared to do to appease them.
And at who's expense.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
I asked that question in yesterday's headlines, a brief mention of the horrible fires sweeping Australia. It appears that I was on to something, as this article from September 2008 reveals:
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Britannia Radio