Now What ? |
SUPPORT PATRIOTS Scanner Scott of the Granny Gang makes the best Jerky you ever survived on. Listen to Michael Badnarik on GCNLIVE every weekday. Lighting the Fires of Liberty Support my favorite Grandson Pokerface Get the information you need to can and preserve your food the old fashioned and healthy way. Recipes and instructions on canning meat, cooking game, raising your own food in your front yard! Learn to make your own remedies like the old folks did. Recipes for salves, tinctures and other healing medications you can make in your own kitchens. Pure Bees Wax Candles. Burn longer, cleans the air and smells clean. Heal wounds quickly with old fashioned Black Salve Old Fashioned Tar Heel Black Drawing Salve. Draws out infections, splinters etc. Great healer for your survival medicine chest. Give your Valentine the best fudge you ever ate. Creamy & delicious treat for that special someone. Stock up on seeds for your garden. Non GMO or Hybrids. KEEP THIS CRITTER OUT OF YOUR COUNTRY! | The Buzzards are circling. Smirking because they have us dead in the water. We the citizens of the United States are rotting carrion, road kill to be fed on by the "elite and enlightened" governing powers. With all the phone calls, faxes, emails our Senators and Congressmen again ignored our voices and voted for the Bailout with all of it's wonderful contents to help us " the middle and poor classes" and make sure we have lower taxes, ,jobs ( but don't even think of applying for one if you are a white construction worker), the health care we need.. But only if you are younger than 55 and certainly not white. Every Illegal Alien child will get the best care at your expense yet your Mother who is over 55 will have to be assessed to see if a treatment is worthwhile since she only has a few years left to live????? What in the world is wrong with us? Have we all lost our minds or is it just our Guts we have lost? Tax payers will be paying for these programs for decades while struggling just to survive themselves. Our children will be slaves to a government that cares nothing about their lives or future. After all it is their offspring that are the chosen ones to receive special educations, great health care, education and then a good job plus a beautiful house and expensive car. Of course this will all be paid for by the taxpayers. Retirement plans are crumbling for the masses yet the Senate and Congress have their own plan, paid for by us, which guarantees their comfort in their retirement. I guess we should happily pay for these plans as these great men have devoted years and years of their lives showing how much they care for their constituants who continually vote them into office. People who have paid on homes for years are losing them, their jobs, their lives are in ruins but we have made sure our elected officials have their fancy autos, with drivers and security, huge homes most in several states, expensive clothes, healthy food and Lord don't forget their leisure comforts. Are these officials going to suffer by a recession, depression or revolt? Not on your life, on March 13th of last year they were in conference being told of where to go to a safe house in case of revolution or catastophy of some sort. Will they lose a dollar? Will they be sharing their wealth with the masses? They should, We gave them that wealth. Shouldn't they be sharing also? Hell they don't even pay their taxes. Why should we? How much is it going to take for the American Public to throw a stone through their TV set and start thinking for themselves? Do they really believe all they hear and see on the Boob Tube? Life in the bubble the media puts out for people will soon bust I am afraid and all those people who relied on others to take care of them will be forsaken. I am sure I will be branded a racist and I am, I care about my own species, my own kind, and don't really care if it offends anyone. We have become victims of the tyranny of uneducated, irrational and mindless opinions arising from uneducated, irrational and mindless individuals who apparently desire to be “offended” I don't see any particular constitutional requirement that stupidity and irrationality should receive preferential treatment to the point of denying actual constitutional rights to the rest of us, do you?! The next time you come across a articles, column and/or letter to the editor spouting the some brainless idiocy, I suggest that we all just send in the comment, “Who gives a damn what you think? Who died and left you king (or queen)?!” Anything more is a waste of time and energy. Remember a Wise Man once said, “Cast not thy pearls before swine....” It is time to start thinking for yourself, take care of yourself and your family. Get to know your neighbors, pick and choose carefully. Align yourself with others who are making plans on how to live through the next few years in relative safety and security. Scale down your spending, learn to live on less. Store up food and supplies against the time they may not be available or so expensive you cannot afford to buy them. If you are Christian go to your Bible for advice, it gives you all the answers and not the ones you would think sometimes.. Can you find in there where it says lay down and submit to the money changers, tyrants, thieves and murderous rulers? Does it tell you to enslave your children for debts of others? Does it tell you to back up and turn the other cheek to radical religious leaders and religions? Does it tell you to embrace religions that teach anything but the teachings of Christ? I haven't seen it. I have said many times I am not a Bible thumper, I have my own beliefs and don't push them on anyone but my God people you claim to be Christians and allow Islam to be taught in our schools and the our kids cannot even say the Lords Prayer? Is it shameful to be a Christian today? Are we afraid to say anything that will offend the Muslims? Not me, It is a pagan religion that is made up of people with no or very little self esteem, pride and individual independence. Who in their right mind would want to live under that religion's rule book? They sacrifice their children to pagan and vile rituals, brain wash them in their schooling, turning out little sheep with no mind for anything other than forcing their beliefs on the world by any means. And we have one as president of this country. The third world nations of this world are all celebrating The election of one of theirs to rule the only really free nation in the world.. Well Folks "We Ain't Free Any Longer !" What are "YOU" going to do about it? Here's your chance to speak your piece ! "ASK GRANNY" ON TRUTH BRIGADE Radio You can call in or email questions Thursday nights 8 PM eastern time Phone in: 721-444-7444 ( ID # 11887 )