Obama Snuck Socialist Health Care Reform in the Stimulus Bill
Under the cover of emergency economic legislation the front wave of an entire new system of health care is being pushed on Americans. The strategy for this ploy was once explained by Obama’s former appointee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, and now exposed tax cheat, Senator Tom Daschle. Daschle spells out the plan on pages 196-197 of his book, Critical – What We Can Do About the Health Care Crisis, “The next president should act immediately to capitalize on the goodwill that greets any incoming administration. If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it. This issue is too.......
by Byron Richards, CCN
How to Survive the Insanity
Barack Obama told us Change and Hope are ahead...but didn't tell the American people exactly what that change would look like. And hope? I haven't heard him talk about that since coming into office. To the contrary. He instead is issuing warnings, ie: if we don't accept his 'stimulus-spending' package, we will suffer unprecedented negative consequences......
by Sharon Hughes
Socialist Health Care That Kills
Now you have stepped over the line you wanna be politicians! This is war now. I already knew this stimulus package had nothing to do with stimulating anything but was rather a bunch of porky pig entitlements and dreamed about programs that the democrats wanted for ages, but now this! The democrats and 3 turn coat republicans decided it was ethical, appropriate and also a national emergency to sneak in a national health care plan that would be run by the Federal Government, just like Europe. Daschle must be drooling from the ecstasy of it all!........
by Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D
Divided: America Falls
One look across the American landscape finds our country in trouble. Every crisis facing us in 2009 found its origins within our United States Congress and presidents that led us into wars. Those men and women, with their hands on the power levers, jacked this country into horrendous debt, endless war and denigration of our culture, language and national cohesiveness. They bulldozed us into Vietnam, orchestrated Desert Storm and manipulated the Iraq War by deceit, deception and treachery........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Saturday, 14 February 2009
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Britannia Radio