Monday, 9 February 2009



At that point, the U.S. will be ready for absorption into the planned World Socialist Government
 and a currency transition will be key to this. 
Todd Harrison in “How Realistic is a North American Currency? Uniting U.S., Canada, Mexico Money Could Result From Crisis” (Market Watch, January 28, 2009) explained:

 “As governments take on more risk – as they price assets on behalf of the market and transfer debt from private to public – the common denominator for release valve becomes the currency.

” Harrison continued: “The New World Order is upon us…. For years, the notion of an ‘invisible hand’ was conspiracy theory until we learned that the Working Group on Financial Markets was a central policy tool…. 

The North American Currency – called the ‘Amero’ in select circles – would effectively comingle the Canadian dollar, the U.S. dollar and Mexican peso. On its face, while difficult to imagine it makes intuitive sense.