Open Europe press summary: 2 Feb 2009 : RESISTANCE By George Flemming In a press release, Shadow Minister for Europe, Conservative MP Mark Francois, also welcomed the study, saying “This valuable research is further proof that the cost of EU regulation on business is too high. ... The Guardian quotes Alan Johnson saying that rulings from the ECJ could have “distorted” the intention of EU legislation and the Government “need to bring in fresh directives to make it absolutely clear that people cannot be undercut in this way. ... RESISTANCE - |
If the European Parliament disappeared, who would notice ... The massed legions of the State whose footsoldiers joyfully set about implementing the directives and regulations that are churned out by the bureaucrats in Brussels/Strasbourg. I doubt our media would notice. ... if the European Parliament where to disappear then great because in the first place its only there (the european parliament) to please people of the 27 states. i guess its one of very few democratic things about the EU. I don't think very many people even pay ... Daniel Hannan's blog listings. - |
Monday, 2 February 2009
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Britannia Radio