Saturday, February 07, 2009
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Defies, Mocks Vatican
Foreign Confidential....
An Argentina-based, pro-Nazi Catholic Bishop--recently reinstated after 20 years of excommunication--continues to defy and embarrass the Vatican.
AP reports:A bishop who faces a Vatican demand to recant his denial of the Holocaust said he would correct himself if he is satisfied by the evidence, but insisted that examining it "will take time," a German magazine reported Saturday.
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Richard Williamson is one of four bishops from the ultraconservative Society of St. Pius X whose excommunication was lifted by the Vatican last month. The decision sparked outrage because Williamson had said in a television interview he did not believe any Jews were gassed during the Holocaust.
On Wednesday, the Vatican demanded that Williamson recant his denial before he can be admitted as a bishop into the Roman Catholic Church.
Williamson made clear he does not plan to comply immediately, and rejected a suggestion that he might visit the Auschwitz death camp, the weekly Der Spiegel reported.
Click below (but be sure to first grab a vomit bag) to view a recent interview with Williamson. Notice his attempt to defend his Holocaust denial with carefully worded, repeated references to six million Jews specifically being killed in gas chambers and his outrageous assertion that the "supposed gas chambers" at Auschwitz and other camps never even existed. He must know that the Holocaust was implemented in stages, that the industrialized genocide of the death camps and gas chambers was preceded and accompanied by mass shootings, mass starvation, and other forms of institutionalized, systematic slaughter--including use of mobile gas-chamber vans. No matter; his intentions are to promote the lie that the Holocaust is a hoax and stir up hatred of Jews.
The Bishop represents a relatively small but still influential fringe group of Catholic fascists and Nazi sympathizers that includes the movie star Mel Gibson and his American-born father, Hutton Gibson, a professional conspiracy theorist.Friday, February 06, 2009
China's Growth May Have Fallen to Zero
Joe McDonald reports from Beijing:Plunging exports. Factory closures. More than 20 million people thrown out of work. Official data showing that China's economy is cooling but still growing strongly obscure what economists say is a sharp recent decline that has inflicted obvious pain.
Click here to continue.
What is happening matters far beyond China. Whether the third-largest economy is stalling or still growing could affect how quickly the world recovers. A stagnant China would mean less demand for industrial materials and consumer goods from the United States and others.
The difference lies in the way growth is measured. Beijing uses a method that compares growth in one quarter with a full year earlier and says its economy expanded by a healthy 6.8 percent in the final quarter of 2008.
But experts say that compared to the previous three months — the system used by most other major countries — China's growth fell to as low as 1 percent or possibly zero.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
All governments lie. China is no different.
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Britannia Radio