Here is some (unchecked) info about Siemens and other Greek scandals in
peculiar style.
Omerta saved Siemens in Athens this week! It's a triumph of perjury
and mockery of justice that the Athens Court concluded that Siemens
has the right to not reveal the names of Graecokleptocrats! This is
official omerta, pure and simple! Omerta is a popular attitude,
common in areas of southern Italy, such as Sicily, Calabria, and
Campania, where criminal organizations like the Mafia, Ndrangheta,
and Camorra are strong. A common definition is the code of silence.
Omerta implies the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state
authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been
victim of a crime. Even if somebody is convicted for a crime he has
not committed, he is supposed to serve the sentence without giving
the police any information about the real criminal, even if that
criminal has nothing to do with the Mafia himself. Within Mafia
culture, breaking the oath of omerta is punishable by death.
A common misconception is that the Mafia created or instituted
omerta. In fact, the code was adopted by Sicilians long before the
emergence of Cosanostra. Some observers date it in the 16th century
as a way of opposing Spanish rule. As noted by Harvard anthropologist
Michael Herzfeld, it is also deeply rooted in rural Crete, Greece.
The Greek omerta in Athens is the most dangerous of all, because it
includes the government as the main mafia! The Greek omerta is a
code of silence among mafiosi of Nea Demagogia, Pasokoroidia,
Cosanstra, Siemens, JPMorgan, perjurers, and judges! The Greek
omerta is a code of silence against the Greek people! There is no
real justice and real government in Greece, so mafiosi in government,
the courts, and Cosanostra can do as they please. There is no rule
of laws in Greece, but rule of mafias.
The Mother of All European Scandals is the grand robbery of seventy
billion euros of pension funds by Graecokleptocrats, engineered by
JPMorgan! Labor union leaders keep their mouths shut, in exchange
for seats in the parliament! Raiding the nest eggs of poor workers
is disgusting, asininity, rudery, and social insecurity. Basil
Venitis notes that the latest trick of political corruption is to
send the JPM bonds held by Social Security and other retirement funds
on a churning cruise to many trading havens, in order to generate
political kickbacks from commissions and out-of-market imaginary
freakish JPM bid-offer spreads! All Greek pension funds have been
buying complex structured products in recent years, at inflated JPM
prices. This way, billion euros are looted every year and safely
deposited in secret offshore accounts of kleptocrats. These are the
infamous bonds of bondage, which are never reported to EU!
Basil Venitis, the best Athenian orator, points out that two
electronic giants have made history. General Electric(GE) of Uncle
Sam has brought us many good things in life, especially Ronald
Reagan! Siemens of Uncle Hitler has brought us many giga scandals in
life, especially the Greek scandal. Siemens deposited billions of
euros in the secret offshore accounts of Greek kleptocrats, in
exchange for lucrative contracts, such as the 2004 Athens Olympics!
This is bigger than the 1914 Siemens scandal that toppled the
Japanese government, and it might as well topple the extremely
corrupt government of Comical Costas.
Siemens is tiptop on feedbacks and kickbacks; it has the best
electrical feedbacks in its appliances, and it gives the largest
political kickbacks! The Siemens of feedbacks and kickbacks never
lets its customers down, in plenty and want, in sickness and health,
in wins and losses, in elections and takeovers! During the last ten
years, Siemens has deposited two billion euros in the secret offshore
accounts of Greek kleptocrats; one billion euros to Nea Demagogia and
one billion euros to Pasokoroidia. Most kickbacks went to Comical
Costas and Chinese Costas, two gymnoapes of infinitesimal neocortex,
the vatmonger Costases of kickbacks! Siemens has also deposited 100
million euros in the secret offshore accounts of top Greek
journalists, transforming them to fireflies of Graecokleptocracy!
The Siemens billion-euro kickbacks to Graecokleptocrats were revealed
by Basil Venitis, the best Athenian orator, in 2005, but Siemens
refuses to publish the names of all Graecokleptocrats. Chancellor
Merkel and Emperor Barroso do not want Siemens to publish the names
of their Greek friends! Moreover, Siemens plans to use some of these
hidden names as a blackmail tool in obtaining more lucrative
contracts in the future. Obviously, Siemens has not leveled with its
lawyers, Lykourezos in Athens and Debevoise in New York. If Siemens
continues to hide the names of Graecokleptocrats of Pasokoroidia and
Nea Demagogia, it will definitely go belly up soon!
Greek investigating magistrate Nikos Zagorianos in in cahoots with
Siemens and Comical Costas to not investigate the real culprits, but
only some minor whipping boys, such as Theodore Tsoukatos of
Pasokoroidia, Michael Christoforakos of Siemens Hellas, and Christos
Karavelas of Siemens Hellas. Alex Lykourezos, Siemens's lawyer in
Greece, is a former MP of Nea Demagogia and close personal friend of
Comical Costas! If this is not conflict of interest what is it?
The Greek people sued Siemens for refusing to publish the names of
Graecokleptocrats who got billion-euro kickbacks. This class action
was presented at the Athens Court, Evelpidon Street, Building 5,
before judge Anastasia Karamanidou, by Harris Ikonomopoulos, a
leading lawyer, a real Greek hero. Ikonomopoulos and Partners is an
LLP engaged in Greek and International legal practice, a tiptop law
firm, a Greek legend.
With a merely two page rationale, the court dismissed the petition to
convict Siemens to preserve the evidence in its possession as regards
to admitted-illegal funding to political parties or individuals and
to publish, before elections, the names of individuals and political
parties that were illegally funded in Greece, as inadmissible. The
presiding judge, having studied the petition submitted on July 16th,
the minutes from the court hearing of January 13th, the 78 page brief
and the voluminous evidence, decided the right of all Greek citizens
to receive information and demand the transparency of expenses and
financial management of funds by political parties and members of
Parliament does not constitute a private right and for the
implementation of constitutional warrants without the existence of a
private dispute the civil courts have no competence.
The court also adjudicated documents which provide information
regarding the funding of political parties, of members of Parliament,
and State Officials and whether these funds derived from illegal, or
not, financial support by Siemens to abovementioned people do not
constitute documents drafted in the interest of Greek citizens, do
not prove a legal interest which concerns them, nor pertain to
relevant negotiations conducted for their interest.
Greeks claim the undisputable right to know, before voting, which
candidate running for office again is not worth their vote, which
politicians encroached in the Siemens scandal, and most probably in
other occasions, their oath. Greeks stand together against Siemens,
because they want to know who politicians in particular and who
individuals are accomplices in the deceit of citizens, the theft of
taxes paid by people, and the embezzlement of public wealth. Greeks
stand together, because they wish to know which criminals of the
Penal Code are hiding behind this brief, special and no longer
justifiable statute of limitation period, contained in every Greek
Constitution from 1952 until today. Greeks want to cease impunity,
to break Omerta, for democracy to function properly and for justice
to exist and be ascribed proportionately.
In the United States, Siemens AG officially admitted on December 12th
2008 the blatant violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Ac(FCPA).
Taking into consideration the above admission and the cooperation of
the company as extenuatory circumstances, the American government and
the Securities and Exchange Commission justly imposed a fine of eight
hundred million dollars for violation of FCPA. It was the only
acceptable solution for the American authorities in order to end all
investigations against Siemens regarding bribes to government
officials in countries around the world, especially Greece. In
Germany, Siemens AG will also pay the amount of 395 million dollars,
in order to end relevant investigations.
In Greece, where Siemens committed the core of its crimes in cahoots
with Graecokleptocrats, there are is no procedure pending against
Siemens. The Greek public authorities have not yet claimed, as
entitled by virtue of the relevant law provisions the total amount
that Siemens received in Greece from the execution of public work
contracts from 1994 to 2005, a time period during which the company
admittedly realized payments in order to foster a suitable political
environment. Since Greeks' goal has not, until now, been
accomplished, the effort against Siemens shall continue. Greeks do
not ask for mercy, but light.
Munich-based Bavarian senior state public prosecutor Christian
Schmidt-Sommerfeld is in charge of the Siemens investigation. The
government of Comical Costas boycotts the work of venitist Schmidt-
Sommerfeld in all possible ways: providing wrong information,
perjuring, stalling, threatening, pressuring, bumbling, and
misdirecting. There is a great conspiracy of Emperor Barroso,
Chancellor Merkel, and Graecocacodemon Comical Costas to confuse
Schmidt-Sommerfeld and manipulate his investigation.
European courts cannot prosecute MPs, because they are protected by
the parliamentary immunity. Comical Costas's crimes far exceed those
of Richard Nixon, but Costas cannot be impeached and prosecuted!
Venitis asserts that regulators go after weak persons to fulfill
their quotas, unless they need publicity. For the moment no Greek
regulator has gone after JPMorgan for engineering the raid of Greek
nest eggs and Siemens for robbing the Olympian funds. JPM and
Siemens are big enough to castrate any regulator who questions their
integrity. Venitis urges Uncle Sam(US) and Uncle Ken(UK) to hang
JPMorgan and Siemens for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act! JPM pays pullpeddler Tony Blair two million euros every year to
keep its Greek-American president Jamie Dimon out of Greek jails!
Siemens does not have to give anything, because its executives also
work for German espionage!
There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime
a dozen. Comical Costas, the #1 calamity of Greece, the most corrupt
primeminister on Earth, has ordered Supreme Prosecutor George Sanidas
and Magistrate Panagiotis Athanasiou to cover up all his crimes.
Vatstruck Greeks consider Athanasiou the perjurious black hole of
memory! Any scandal sent to Athanasiou is forgotten forever! But
Basil Venitis is considered a white hole, broadcasting all
information on kickbacks to the universe, creating a baby universe of
venitism that is growing fast. Vatstruck Greeks hope for a coup
d'etat, that could hang all Graecokleptocrats and Graecocacodemon
perjurers in front of the parliament! Avast Graecobogeys now!
Publish the Venitis Laws now.
Vatstruck Greeks, victims of taxation and kleptocracy, will take care
of Comical Costas, Horse Hat, Duke of Hazard, and all vatmonger
Graecokleptocrats in a new revolt. Now, nobody can touch Comical
Costas, eventhough prosecutor George Zorbas has proved that Comical
Costas received kickbacks from churning the pension funds, and a
Munich prosecutor traced billions of Siemens kickbacks to secret
offshore accounts of Graecokleptocrats. In a dejavu of Richard Nixon
and Archibald Cox, Graecocacodemon Costas fired Zorbas for not
covering up Costas's crimes!
EU cannot rein in vatpachyderm Graecokleptocrats, who are out of this
world! Basil Venitis, the best Athenian orator, points out that
Pasokoroidia(pass of kleptocrats) and Nea Demagogia(raiders of nest
eggs) have stolen more than 200 billion euros from the Greek
treasury, the pension funds, gun purchases, awards of lucrative
contracts, state financing of steroids to athletes, and antitrust
blackmail during the last 34 years since dictatorship. Nevertheless,
bewildered vatstruck Greeks continue to vote for these two mafias,
because they are hooked to their sinecures, pork, and crumbs. The
Greek electorate is captive! Avast Graecobogeys now!
If these two mafias are not dissolved soon, a revolt is inevitable!
The glorious ancient Greece of Pericles, Leonidas, Alexander, Plato,
Socrates, and Aristotle, has been degraded to a kleptocracy, the
miserable modern Greece of robber bumblers, such as Comical Costas,
Horse Hat, Sioux Pikatsou, Duke of Hazard, Prima Dora, Funny Pal,
Spin Teo, Cheetah Ridis, Vulgar Aches, Mitsot Aches, Meimar Aches,
Hajic Aches, Hajid Aches, Mavro Gialouras, Sue Sarakatsanos, Aris
Salome, Chancellor Abraham, Pakis Fanfaron, Lia Piss, Barbie Tsiotis,
Byron Polysnafu, Ever Bulldozer, Orphan Ass, Lollapalooza
Cincinnatus, Papa Andrew, Chinese Costas, Akis Broumel, Yiannos
Deepthroat, Venice Elos, Sparrow Apostle Lucky, Frau Diamond, Lia
Nice, Bear Athan, Pan Callous, Cheap Rush, Allah Vanos, and Cane
Lee! Graecoparl is a cocoon of Graecokleptocrats! Avast
Graecobogeys now! Publish the Venitis Laws now.
We need venitism now! If not now, when?
Venitism is a new libertarian paradigm, introduced by Basil Venitis,
the best Athenian orator; it integrates politics, economics, ethics,
and spirituality. Venitists follow the Venitis Laws:
Venitis Law of Black Hole: Taxation is armed robbery that feeds the
black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of
corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens.
Venitis Law of Constitution: The only purpose of a constitution is to
protect citizens from government abuse. Reform treaties of a
confederation not voted by the citizens are null and void.
Venitis Law of Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked by
rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious
bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of
cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist
sophists, and machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to
kleptocracy. Venitism should replace democracy.
Venitis Law of Depression: Only governments can cause economic
depressions and funny money. Elimination of kleptocracy and VAT,
lower tax rates, and a reduction in the burden of government are the
only way to boost growth.
Venitis Law of Education: There is no direct relationship between
education and schooling. You might be schooled but uneducated, and
you might be educated but unschooled. Colleges are concentration
camps for the drones of society. Internet is the best source of
knowledge and information, replacing schools, libraries, parliaments,
and postoffice.
Venitis Law of Environment: The best way to save the environment is
vasectomy. Deadly viruses are Gaia's antibiotics against the cancer
of overpopulation.
Venitis Law of Equality: Death is the only equalizer. Egalitarianism
brings death to society, tansforming citizens to zombies.
Venitis Law of Evolution: The ultimate phase of human evolution is
the complete domination of soul.
Venitis Law of Faith: Faith is retarded thinking that keeps you away
from God. You have to become faithless, in order to start your
journey to God! You have to discover God your own way without
intermediaries. God's truth should replace faith.
Venitis Law of Government: The only purpose of government is to
protect citizens from criminals. Public services, central banks, and
fiat money should be abolished.
Venitis Law of Heroism: Entrepreneurs, innovators, and heretics are
the real heroes.
Venitis Law of Insurance: Citizens with proper individual retirement
accounts and health savings accounts should be allowed to opt out of
State Insurance.
Venitis Law of Intervention: Any government intervention
deteriorates an existing trend. Laissez-faire is the only
progressive policy.
Venitis Law of Legislature: Parliaments should be abolished, because
they continuously create laws that enslave citizens, constraint
economic activity, loot producers, reward drones, and encourage
political corruption.
Venitis Law of Misery: Throwing money to misery brings more misery.
Fighting wild leverage with more leverage is homeopathic repression
of reality. A deluge of fiat money brings financial plague and
haemorrhage of economy. Real money is tied up to precious metals and
strategic metals.
Venitis Law of Patriotism: Patriotism is addiction to local hysteria.
Venitis Law of Property: Governments should not own or regulate any
property, including waves. The first individual who improves or
cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property.
Governments cannot own, allocate, regulate, or manipulate frequency
fields and media. Eminent domain is null and void.
Venitis Law of Religion: Religion is spiritual slavery. Church is
the business of religion. Religious monopoly turns bishops to
ayatollahs, and churches to Sodom and Gomor. Spirituality and
metaphysics should replace religion.
Venitis Law of Rule: Anarchy is the rule of gangs, infinitesimal
government is the rule of law, and big government is the rule of the
cancer of socialism.
Venitis Law of Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and
nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out.
Heresy, habeas corpus, military service, mating, abortion, drugs, and
euthanasia should be personal choices.
Venitis Law of Style: Your soul needs to resonate with mighty words
and unique acts that express your style and destiny. Your government
cannot dictate your language, your words, and your culture. Resonate
now and sing your song!
Venitis Law of System: The most efficient political system is
venitism, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all,
there is no parliament, and a powerless infinitesimal government is
supported by donations.
Venitis Square Law: Political corruption is proportional to the
square of the size of the government.
Venitis Tax Law: For each percent of lower taxes, the economy grows
by at least four percent more. Smart stimulus is to cut taxes.
Stupidus stimulus is to increase spending, which stimulates the
cancer of socialism!
If you published the Venitis Laws, your world could have been a much
better place! What are you waiting for? The bird is in your hands!
We need a critical mass of venitist fireflies to spread venitism all
over the world.