Wednesday, 11 February 2009

 there are a number of entries in hansard going back to 1999, Anne

I have to say, as soon as Monsanto was mention, I started to delve deeper.  Anne

Codex Alimentarius is due to be passed on 31st Dec 2009 and we have to stop this. If codex were to be passed then all nutrient supplements would be banned, this means vitamins would be illegal in the same way heroin is illegal. This not only would affect us, but would have a disastrous effect on developing countries. Also, all natural herbs would be banned, all alternative remedies would no longer be available...anywhere! 
It is the pharmaceutical industry that is behind this. Under codex it would also become law that ALL foods would have to be sprayed with pesticides and ALL animals for food would have to be injected with growth hormones and antibiotics that then end up in our bodies. If this happens it would result in more ill health and cancer, so then what would the pharmaceutical companies make? More money.
I know you probably are thinking this sounds far fetched but this is very real.
Below is the link with all the information.

Below is the petition. It takes 10 seconds! This is for our health and wellbeing and the health and wellbeing of our children.
Please click on this link below...

Thank you!

Additions by Anne

European Union Membership of Codex

  • The European Commission has been negotiating community membership of Codex for some years, and this has now been achieved. The basis in Community law was established and the necessary rule changes in Codex have been made. The Commission wrote to the Director-General of the UN/FAO in November 2003 to formally complete the accession process. This means that the European Commission has relinquished its observer status in Codex and now represents all EU countries on matters of EU competence.

At meetings of the CAC and its subsidiary committees this will mean that

  • The Commission will speak and vote in Codex on behalf of the Community on all issues of exclusive Community competence.
  • The Commission will also speak and vote on behalf of the Community on all issues of mixed competence where the preponderance of the competence lays with the Community. The UK and other EU Member States are still able to contribute to the debate in Codex matters of Community and mixed competence to support and develop the Community line.
  • The UK and other EU Member States would also be able to speak and vote on issues within areas of exclusive Member State competence.
  • The UK and other EU Member States would be able to speak and vote on issues of mixed competence when the preponderance of the competence lies with the Member States.

Codex contact points in the FSA

  • The Food Standards Agency acts as the national contact point for the UK in Codex. Much of the work of Codex is specialised and is therefore delegated to members of staff in FSA with the appropriate expertise. These internal Codex Committee Contact points take responsibility for specific Codex Committees and:
  • Distribute all Codex papers relating to their committee/s to NCCC members, interested parties etc.
  • Organise consultation on these issues to feed into the UK position on Codex.
  • Respond to Codex on standards and other texts in the step procedure
  • Represent the UK at the Codex Committee meeting
  • Acting as the secretariat for the Codex Committees which the UK hosts - Codex Committee on Fats and Oils and Codex Committee on Sugars