This is a brief contribution to this debate on the propriety of The Regime to control our use of racial epithets; I will write more soon.
Neither the government nor the BBC or any other institution has the right to force us to speak or write in ways they choose - that is PC linguistic totalitarianism. They succeed, and they have certainly succeeded over the last 40 years or so, insidiously, because we, ordinary people, play their nasty game. Metaphorically, they steal money from us, with it they buy paintbrushes and paint of a color of their choosing, not ours, then order us, on pain of prosecution or ostracism, to paint ourselves into a corner!
My advice to you is to use, or desist from using, terms including golliwog and N according to your *own* taste, informed by your understanding of God's wishes.
The power that The Regime wield over us is power that *we* (and probably the Devil) give them. My personal experience from two disputes I have had with local government Regime institutions, recently, show that they are moral cowards (or rather immoral cowards for they are morally in the wrong, and deep down they know that so they cannot act with true conviction, and so they are weak) - if one refuses to compromise with them, one can defeat them; if one limply complies with their evil, then they will win.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx d
Monday, 9 February 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio