This was such a good posting (on EU Ref) I thought i'd pass it around. I
hope xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx r won't mind:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx j
I'd say "deeply unhappy" is a gross understatement. What the Labour Policy
is doing, is destroying the very fabric of our society. Our local
capabilities to place youngsters and men into work. Our natural ability to
skill our workforce. Our ability to buy homes, to save, to prosper as a
people. To upset and possibly rid us of the remnants of our culture. It's a
perfect recipe for crass government and a death knell to our indigenous
populace with all of it's vitality and cultural heritages gained over a
thousand years. It is sinking the state to the point where we cannot thrive
as a people because we have to 'compete' against people who are helping
through not much fault of their own, to destroy these things.
There's an economic side to this too and again it's Labour's fault. The
housing, together with immigrant numbers requiring extra shelter, has been
lax yet the growth in residential ownership buy Buy to Let developers
seeking to gain profits in a higher rental market due to immigration
overflow, has led to an upward spiral in property prices which indigenous
people cannot afford. The government buys up the stocks and rents them out
to immigrants. Consequently, we have 5 million of our people waiting for
social housing rather then looking to buy, and a dearth of youngsters with
no hope of ever gaining a home. This will dissolve families. It will and is
and has, created manifest indebtedness from which many millions of people
will never recover as they too are thrown out of their homes by bailiffs.
This will lead to an even bigger problem than the government can ever
imagine. Not only are all of the above things happening now, but they will
get far worse as millions of people become 'subprime' and 'toxic' and a risk
to lenders if and when they ever pick themselves up again. They will be
given poor quality loans at that time IF they ever bother to look to buy
another home of their own. Meanwhile, if immigration is not stopped and
taken into decline, then we'll see immigrants in better housing and the
indigenous people in social housing and living like tramps.
Labour should resign because no one can stand for it any longer. I wouldn't
blame people if they went out on the streets and started rioting to be
honest over this appalling government, and yet I hear David Cameron and his
politically correct party not saying a word about it. Does he think we don't
know. That we don't see it. That we can't tell when things are wrong? - BOTH
parties need to be kicked to hell and back for the state they've made by
action or inaction of my country.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx r
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Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:38 am
Monday, 23 February 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio