Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Today's Top Stories

Israel could be destroyed - IDF
Israel’s military believes that the Jewish state faces an existential threat from Iran, and has made confronting that threat its primary focus for 2009. This is according to Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, who handed the IDF’s work plan for ...

Still the rockets fall
Arabs in Gaza fired a rocket "into" Israel Tuesday evening in an attempt to kill, wound and terrify civilians. Israel may have markedly stepped down its responses to the terrorism from Gaza, but the Hamas terror group continues daily to ...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Trust in the Lord and stand on the Land
Today, unequivocally, without apology or hesitation, the Arab world, the Islamic world, the western world, even America, even President Barack Obama – especially President Barack Obama – needs to hear these words: “The Land of Israel belongs in perpetuity to the Jewish people, and we will never agree to giving any of it away.”

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Not voting for Messiah
My hope for Israel and its future I place exclusively in the Lord. For 20 years I have watched Him laughingly at work, scorning and opposing the world leaders and the Israeli leaders who have pushed to realize a lasting peace agreement with the Palestinian Arabs at the expense of the Jews and their land.