Tuesday, 17th February 2009
A drift of misunderstanding in Londonistan
The attitude among Britain’s establishment towards Britain’s creeping Islamisation becomes ever more surreal. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who betrayed British Muslim women, Christian values and British national identity when he said that Britain had nothing to fear from embracing sharia law in personal status issues and other disputes, has used the anniversary of those infamous remarks to opine that more people now agree with him. The Telegraph reports:
...On the anniversary of the interview in which Dr Rowan Williams said it ‘seems inevitable’ that some parts of sharia would be enshrined in this country's legal code, he claimed ‘a number of fairly senior people’ now take the same view. He added that there is a ‘drift of understanding’ towards what he was saying, and that the public sees the difference between letting Muslim courts decide divorces and wills, and
Monday, 16th February 2009
America slides into the sewer
While American Jews and many Israelis still have their heads stuck firmly in the sand about Obama, there is huge and growing concern in more informed Israeli governmental circles that Israel faces the most unfriendly or even hostile President that anyone can recall -- and this at a time when the drums of Iranian genocide are beating ever more loudly. Such concern has been deepened by his decision at the weekend to ‘help plan’ the 'Durban 2' UN conference.
This event, which I wrote about recently here, is a re-run of the UN’s anti-Jew hate-fest that was held a few days before 9/11under the grotesque misnomer of a human rights conference. 'Durban 2', due to take place next April in Geneva, looks set to be even worse. Its first draft declaration singled out Israel for the usual delegitimisation...
A deer in the headlights
Eleven days ago, Brian Deer renewed his onslaught against Andrew Wakefield in the Sunday Times. I wrote about it here and made the point that, since Deer’s allegations sparked the General Medical Council case against Wakefield which would not have occurred without his involvement, he was effectively a principal player in the story he was reporting — a clear conflict of interest and breach of journalistic standards.
After I noted this, an American TV show last week accused Deer of journalistic misconduct in reporting a story in which he was a major player without acknowledging this fact. Deer has been trying to deny this ever since.
First he threatened to sue the TV station, denying that he had laid the initial complaint which formed the bulk of the GMC inquiry and claiming instead that the GMC had approached him...
Daily Mail, 16 February 2009
The story of 13-year-old Alfie, who reportedly has become a father by 15-year-old Chantelle, is a fable for our tragically degraded times.
Most of the attention has focused upon Alfie, who looks about eight and doesn’t even understand the word ‘financial’. But while Alfie’s youth is exceptional, this situation is not.
Whether or not Alfie is the father of baby Maisie or whether that honour goes to one of Chantelle’s reputed other boyfriends, the fact is that the length and breadth of this country there are many Chantelles, having sex and often getting pregnant while under age.
Britain’s rate of teenage pregnancy is the highest in Western Europe. Each one of these cases is a personal tragedy, and not just for the babies who are thus conceived.
Children who bear children are condemned to a kind of half-life of adultified childhood and then infantilised adulthood, with a catastrophic disruption of their normal development to maturity.
The appalling rate of family breakdown is a crucial part of this story. It is linked to premature sexual activity, creating a vicious cycle of family fragmentation and teenage promiscuity. More and more individuals are being locked into this cycle of abandonment, emotional chaos and harm.
But that in turn is part of a wider and deeper breakdown of the fundamental moral understanding that once kept our society together.
There has been a profound loss of the very notions of self-restraint and boundaries of behaviour, promoted from the top by narcissistic liberals and funded at the bottom by welfare benefits which cushion people from the consequences of their actions.
The liberal intelligentsia pushed the idea that the worst things in the world were stigma and shame. Illegitimacy was accordingly abolished, lone mothers provided with welfare benefits and any talk about the advantages to children from marriage and sexual continence was to be banned as ‘judgmental’.
With all constraints on behaviour vilified as ‘moralising’, sex became treated merely as a pleasurable pastime devoid of any spiritual dimension.
As parents careered through serial sexual partnerships, putting their own short-term desires first and effectively behaving like children, they no longer wanted to be bothered with taking responsibility for their own offspring and so started treating them as if they were grown-up.
This was massively reinforced by the approach to sex education and contraception by schools and public health professionals, who treated children as quasi-adults capable of making their own life choices.
What they actually needed, as all children do, was firm and consistent boundaries which taught them that sex was properly an adult activity.
Instead, they were taught to treat sex a bit like bungee-jumping or paragliding - to have fun doing it, but to take precautions to avoid getting hurt.
But ‘hurt’ was defined almost entirely as teenage pregnancy. Children were told that sexually transmitted diseases could be treated, and there was no acknowledgement of the emotional harm of premature sexual activity.
In part, this arose from the defeatist belief that there was no alternative but to go along with the harm done to children by premature sexual activity. Underage sex was unavoidable, it was thought, and so the only thing to do was mitigate its worst effects.
But this attitude was accompanied by a deliberate attempt to destroy the notion of respectability. Not only are official blind eyes turned to breaches of the legal age of consent, but sex education actually targets teenagers and underage children with a direct attack on society’s fundamental values by promoting a libertarian agenda.
So sex education teaching manuals set out the full range of sexual positions, partnering and perversions. Much of it looks like propaganda for sexual licence; some of it is so exploitative it verges on the predatory.
Indeed, it is not so much education as indoctrination into ideas underlying the global family planning movement. The International Planned Parenthood Federation promotes sexual pleasure as a ‘valid sexual and reproductive health need for all young people’ - defined as aged ten to 24.
And the first director of the World Health Organisation, Dr Brock Chisholm, believed the barrier to civilised life was the notion of right and wrong, and wanted children to be freed from such prejudices through introducing sex education from the age of nine.
Many of our sex education programmes — some aimed at children even younger than nine — stem directly from these destructive and nihilistic ideas. Far from merely aiming to reduce teenage pregnancy rates, they are an attempt to restructure family life around a sexual free-for-all.
The key to it all is the marginalisation and exclusion of parental control. So underage children are provided not just with contraceptives but abortion counselling without their parents’ knowledge.
Recently, it was revealed that family doctors will even be paid bonuses — effectively bribes — for persuading teenagers to have long-lasting contraceptive implants and jabs behind their parents’ backs.
Our political and professional elites persist in believing that our horrendous rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease are the result of ignorance among young people of the facts of life.
But a moment’s thought tells you that can’t be right because there has never been a time when so much sex education has been on offer. The truth is that the more sex education and contraception are provided to children and teenagers, the more they fall pregnant.
Indeed, studies have shown that where there is most access to contraception and sex education, sexual activity and conception and pregnancy rates go up.
Yet in the wake of the Alfie and Chantelle saga, people are coming up once again with the old chestnut of the superior approach of the Netherlands, supposedly a nirvana of comprehensive value-free sex education for children. In fact, there is no single approach to sex education in the Netherlands, and it does not start any earlier than in Britain.
The real point about the Dutch is that they have an extremely moral, Calvinistic society that disapproves of babies born outside settled adult relationships.
Teenage mothers receive very little support from the state welfare system, and teenage motherhood is stigmatised as a source of irresponsibility and shame.
In other words, the Dutch retain what we in Britain have destroyed. We have said shame and stigma are far worse than outof-wedlock births and that sexual incontinence is a human right.
The result is that basic codes of decorum have gone out of the window, leading to scenes such as were described in a Sunday newspaper of children in Chantelle’s neighborhood having sex openly in the street like rutting animals.
The best way to tackle teenage promiscuity is through abstinence education. Where this is done well, as in some American schemes, it restores sexual restraint by instilling in young people a sense of selfrespect and self-worth.
But in Britain, this is regarded as unutterably shocking. A few years ago, sex education advisers in East Sussex told headteachers who booked a youth theatre group to deliver a message of sexual abstinence in their schools not to repeat the invitation because it was ‘unsuitable’ for pupils.
So much for ‘informed choice’. Our society has abandoned its children by treating them prematurely as adults because it is too selfcentred to look after and protect them.
And so, with the Alfies and Chantelles and all the other children who have been taught that life is a sexual free-for-all and have descended as a result into debauchery and degradation, we are now reaping the whirlwind.