But various representatives of the British Muslim community protested; and Lord Ahmed issued a threat that he would personally mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Wilders from entering the Upper House and would take the peer... If such a person were to be given a place in the administration this would be a pretty good indicator of just where Obama actually stands in the fight to defend civilisation. US President Barack Obama's offer to talk to Iran shows that America's policy of ‘domination’ has failed, the government spokesman said on Saturday. ‘This request means Western ideology has become passive, that capitalist thought and the system of domination have failed,’ Gholam Hossein Elham was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency. ‘Negotiation is secondary, the main issue is that there is no way but for (the United States) to change,’ he added. No! Surely not!! There must be some mistake!!! Not after the Guardian told us so authoritatively: The ferocity of Ahmadinejad's response does make one thing clear: theTuesday, 3rd February 2009
The intimidation of the House of Lords
I have been travelling during the past few days and so have built up a bit of a backlog of events upon which I have not yet commented. One of these is the apparently gross abuse of Parliament by Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, which remarkably has not been covered at all in the mainstream British media. Another member of the House of Lords invited the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is currently facing prosecution in the Netherlands for his outspoken analysis of the Islamist war on civilisation, to screen his controversial film ‘Fitna’ in the Lords on January 29 and discuss his views.Monday, 2nd February 2009
The grand delusion
Khaled abu Toameh is the Jerusalem Post's splendid reporter on Palestinian affairs, the only journalist constantly to provide an honest, open-eyed account of what is happening in the West Bank and Gaza and explain what it means.Here is the transcript of a talk he recently gave to some American commentators in which characteristically provides a bracing if grim antidote to the fantasies of ‘peace in our time’ which grip so many in the west who think they know how to resolve the Middle East impasse. He recounts how his warnings about the corruption in the Palestinian Authority under Arafat went unheeded by the arrogant delusionists of America and Europe, whose money went to buy arms that were used not against Hamas or Islamic Jihad but against anyone who supported reform or democracy. Today he warns against the...Saturday, 31st January 2009
Power and amnesia at the White House
During the US Presidential election campaign Ireported that Samantha Power, a very close friend and adviser of Obama's whom he nevertheless fired for calling Hillary a ‘monster’, said she still expected to be in Obama’s administration. Power has advocated the ending of all aid to Israel and redirecting it to the Palestinians. She has also spoken about the need to land a ‘mammoth force’ of US troops in Israel to protect the Palestinians from Israeli attempts at genocide (sic) -- and has complained that criticism of Barack Obama all too often came down to what was ‘good for the Jews’.The Iranians look very frightened
As was entirely predictable, the Iranian government has reacted with utter contempt to the exciting new approach of US President Obama towards resolving the crisis over Iran’s nuclear weapons programme:
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
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Britannia Radio