The volume of mail I have received on this is astounding and some of
it from people to whom I didn't originally send it! ALL are at the
end of their tether with the disgusting BBC.
The BBC's usefulness is over. It is a self-important unaccountable
nest of filth and sactimonious hypocrisy. It should be dismembered
but we could make a start with hounding the woman Hunt from her
position. I call for a Witch Hunt".
The details of the encounter are spelt out by the show's presenter in
the Sun today. It still gives the BBC no excuse whatsoever for
making a remark made (now it seems) to only two people - Chiles and
Jo Brand. Nobody else. So why tell everybody and make sure any
offence is spread far and wide. Hypocrites! The Sun . however
reports on the 1.000s complaining over "Thatcher's axe" and runs
another column asking how on earth a private conversation got blown
up like this QUITE!
xxxxxxxxxxxx cs
The BBC just carries on giving offence
The corporation is now estranged from those who fund it.
By Simon Heffer
It was unwise of Carol Thatcher to compare a black person with a
golliwog: first and foremost it contravenes good manners. [Since she
didn't say it to him it was not bad manners -cs] But consider, for a
moment, what shrinking violets the BBC presenter Adrian Chiles, and
the alleged comedienne Jo Brand, must be to have been so "offended"
by this ill-mannered remark that they felt they had to complain
pompously to BBC bosses about it, and to violate a private
conversation. [And to make sure that any bad manners went straight
to the person concerned thus ensuring the maximum publicity and hurt
(if any!) ]-cs]
Some would argue that the advertising of their "offence" was aimed at
showing just how in tune with the ruling Leftist ethos of the BBC
they both are, ingratiating themselves further with their paymasters
as a result. Others have argued that the sneaking on Miss Thatcher
was simply a means of attacking her magnificent mother, whom most in
the BBC dementedly regard as the incarnation of Satan. I have no idea
what their motives were; but I find it hard to believe that either of
them was going to be driven to the edge of sanity by lying awake at
night in torture at Miss Thatcher's use of the G-word.
This playground-style bullying of Miss Thatcher is not the worst of
it, though; that accolade belongs to the headmistress, Jay Hunt,
controller of the downmarket channel on which Miss Thatcher and her
former friends appeared, BBC One. Miss Hunt delivered a defence of
the persecution of Miss Thatcher on Thursday morning that appeared to
have been influenced by Goebbels, but scripted by a failed GCSE
English student (Miss Hunt really ought to look the word fulsome up
in a dictionary before using it in public). In a boot-faced tone more
suited to telling the lower fourth that they would be in detention
for the rest of the week, Miss Hunt banged on about Miss Thatcher's
remark having been "inappropriate"; a buzzword of the politically
correct obsessives who seek to standardise and control our thoughts,
words and behaviour. Once one is "inappropriate" - an adjective most
of us would more readily apply to acts such as drinking Coca-Cola
with foie gras - then one is causing "offence" in industrial
quantities. And nothing is more "inappropriate" in the mad, reality-
free world of the BBC than anything that might "offend" the ethnic
minorities (even if none happens to be present at the time).
Others have already commented on the fact that people can use the
most vile profanities in the English tongue, or describe for
supposedly humorous effect the most graphic bodily functions, or
abuse the elderly, the well-to-do, Christians or other cultural
majorities on the BBC without being hauled in by Miss Hunt for the
ruler over the knuckles. All this is true. But then saying ----, or
casually referring to sexual practices on air is deemed
"edgy" (another word that has lost its proper meaning) and thought to
propitiate the young, mindless, Leftist, urban, amoral, drug-abusing,
value-free people to whom the BBC feels it now must principally appeal.
For, when Miss Hunt drones on in sepulchral terms about our "diverse"
society, what she really means is a society in which self-hating,
white, middle-class, well-educated people like her can daily be put
in their place by a didactic BBC. For, as with the police, the
original function of the corporation has been supplanted by a
vocation to perform social engineering.
Most depressing of all, I suspect that when Miss Hunt had completed
her Orwellian denunciation of Miss Thatcher, she went upstairs to be
patted on the head and given sixpence by the director-general for her
commitment to diversity.
All over the BBC, others will be actively searching for offence in
order to prove their commitment too. All over Britain, people will be
wondering whether they in fact live in Cuba or North Korea, disgusted
at the low behaviour of those who calculatedly blew up Miss
Thatcher's silly remark, and appalled at the fascistic response to it
by Miss Hunt.
Lord Reith must turn in his grave. The BBC is now estranged from most
of those who fund it. Its wholesale reform [or total dismemberment
preferably -cs] is a matter of the utmost urgency.
=- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =-
btw A Simon Heffer postscript for the Hunt woman.- - - - ,Writing
about the Labour party (having failed in everything else) has taken
it intto its head to try and cut sweet and chocolate consumption. He
fasntasies on punishments fotr infringement - - - "savage punishments
could be introduced for anyone caught with contraband Fruit & Nut:
being forced to watch BBC One in prime time without an anaesthetic,
for example.""
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio