Who is Pulling Geitner's Strings
Appearing behind a podium that proclaimed, “Financial Stability and Recovery,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Tuesday carefully read from a teleprompter and provided what his flack said was a “comprehensive” plan. It was not comprehensive in any way. It seemed so amateurish and shallow that the market dropped and commentators and Senators were almost incredulous at the lack of detail........
by Cliff Kincaid
Conservatives Say That Gov't. Health Care Will Literally Kill You
Once the Obama Administration completes their goal of passing an enormous spending bill with the promise of stimulating the US economy, they will set their sights on passing legislation to control the health care system throughout the nation, according to a conservative congressman who held a press conference for news reporters, Internet journalists and bloggers earlier this month........
by NWV News
Preserve Your Hands as You Age
What happens to grip strength as we age? Men experience a steeper decline in hand strength after age 65 than women. At this age women lose about 2.4% of hand strength annually while men lose about 3% and can lose up to 3.4% annually. This loss of hand strength accelerates after age 80. Obviously we will lose our ability to perform daily activities as this hand strength disappears. According to Dr. Markison preserving hand strength is.......
by Dr. James Howenstine, MD
Potions and Charms and Spells! Oh My!
Witches are coming out of the broom closet. But they’re not calling themselves witches anymore. Instead those in “the Craft” prefer Wiccan, which comes from the earlier form of the word for witch. [1] Perhaps the name has been changed to take the sting out of it, but a witch by any other name is still a witch. It’s impossible to determine the numbers of Wiccans there are worldwide because they have no formal membership. Estimates vary but there.......
by Marsha West
Thursday, 12 February 2009
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Britannia Radio