February 11, 2009
New Articles
Chaney's Threat of Terrorism Comes Too Late
The article about Mr. Cheney did not deal with Halliburton but dealt with his warnings about the potential for future massive terrorist attacks being launched against the United States. In point of fact, I share Mr. Cheney's concerns, the problem is that for the 8 year tenure of the Bush administration, in which he was the number two official, our government steadfastly refused to not secure the border that was supposed to separate our country from Mexico and insulate our nation and our citizens from not only the millions of illegal aliens who are now present in the United States.......
by former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Selling Our Souls in The Name of Service
Obama hired Pastor Joshua DuBois to head up his Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Considering their diverse backgrounds, the two seem surprisingly compatible. Notice how Pastor DuBois echoes the words of President Obama: "Our democracy demands that when people are religiously motivated you have to translate your concerns into universal rather than religion-specific values.".......
by Berit Kjos
From Religion to Revolution: Occult Origins of Sociopolitical Utopianism, Part 2
In the first installment of this series, we established the Gnostic trappings of the Enlightenment and demonstrated how atheism provides a philosophical segue for Luciferianism. From the Luciferian vantage point, man is a self-actuating god who achieves apotheosis through a hierarchical system of biological and cognitive development. If such a belief in a system of progressive development sounds familiar, that's because it has been promoted under numerous appellations throughout the centuries. W. Warren Wagar elaborates......
by Phillip Collins
Bipartisan embarrassment is growing
There will be no hearts-on fire valentines for liberty-loving Americans this year. What we feared and fought against is upon us. The evil in Washington grows with each new administration cabinet pick, each thug who makes it through confirmation hearings and emerges a ‘made’ man or woman in the Obama crime family.........
by Mary Starrett
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
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Britannia Radio