Tuesday, 17 February 2009

PART 1 of 2



by Alan Stang
February 17, 2009

[Announcement: Did you know Alan Stang has a new radio show? Click here for details.]

A curious development is showing up in my email and in the calls to my daily talk show. Again and again messages and callers assert that whatever is wrong in the nation and the world is the work of “Zionism” or “Zionists.” From acne to bankruptcy to divorce, unemployment and zits, that is the cause. The term is used to mean so much one wonders whether the user himself is sure what it means. Whatever, in these usages, the nation of Israel – which until recently was generally considered an American ally – stands condemned.

At the same time, the Mohammedans, some of whom our military is fighting right now, indeed, the first enemy our new nation fought on the shores of Tripoli, the Mohammedans who from the moment they burst forth from the Arabian peninsula have been trying to conquer the West and now are closer than ever to success, these same Mohammedans emerge in this new scenario as the good guys, the victims of the aforesaid Zionism.

They are the good guys despite their practice of “honor killing” their own women, a practice they have brought to our country. They beheaded Danny Pearl of the Wall Street Journal and many others, but they are the good guys. They are the good guys despite their possible implication in the widespread arson in Australia that has killed more than 150 people so far. If you write something they don’t like, like Salman Rushdie, they urge adherents to kill you; they riot, they love intimidation. But they are still the good guys. They have emasculated the United Kingdom. And on and on. What is happening?

The answer is that all these things are symptoms of an admittedly brilliant scenario the conspiracy for world government has devised to implement its century-old goal; versions of both Zionism and Islam are elements of the plan. The conspirators now are flooding the patriot community with the appropriate propaganda for the purpose. A good place to begin our analysis is the utterly phony “Soviet collapse.”

How do we know the Soviets collapsed? We “know” it because they said so. During the “cold war,” we didn’t believe anything they said; now we believe everything. Soon after the “collapse,” the U.S. government installed the last Soviet dictator, Mike Garbageoff (former KGB boss) at the Presidio, the U.S. Army base in San Francisco, where he ran a tax-exempt foundation created for the purpose before the “collapse.” Mike became one of the world’s leading “ecologists.”

What are the main hallmarks of a Socialist dictatorship’s collapse? They are present in the collapse of National Socialist Germany. First, concentration camp inmates are freed. That happened in Nazi Germany, but not in Socialist Russia. The gulag there remains intact. Next, the huge Socialist military is dismantled. Yes in Nazi Germany; no in Socialist Russia, where the military is always being modernized. Finally, different people are running the show. Yes, in Germany, where anti-Nazis took over. No, in Socialist Russia, where the same people, with different titles, continue.

The West, preeminently the United States, created Communism and saved it from collapse more than once. Had Washington never intervened, the Soviet Union would never have existed. Communism would be forgotten, a footnote in a dusty text book. Here is a challenge: name for me one country that became Communist without U.S. intervention. Go down the list; China, Cuba, Southeast Asia, etc. Difficult, right? Probably impossible.

Washington, et. al., created Communism and when it was no longer useful as one arm of the Hegelian dialectic, Washington “collapsed” it. Washington retired Communism and introduced Islam. Mohammedanism is an even better conspiracy tool than Communism because the conspiracy did not need to create it. There is much compatibility. Both the conspiracy for world government and Mohammedanism are totalitarian; both are Socialist. The conspiracy is a rape, robbery and revolution racket. So is Islam. All of the Middle East is Christian territory the Muslims illegally occupy.

Remember as always that there are millions of nice people in Islam as there were in Socialist Germany and Russia. They do not bomb. They do not behead. They go to work or business every day and go home to their families. You know some of them. Yes, they are there, they are nice and they are irrelevant, just as your Uncle Elmer and Aunt Min are irrelevant, vis-à-vis Washington. Nice as they are, when the falafel hits the fan, most Muslims everywhere will do as they are told, will follow their leaders, just as most nice, irrelevant people here – your Uncle Elmer and Aunt Min, who never wanted to know and thought you were addled – will get on the bus. They do not run the show.

Probably the biggest conspiratorial advantage Islam offers is its status as a “religion.” Indeed, Republicrud moron Jorge W. Boosh repeatedly called it a “religion of peace,” which would have surprised Charles Martel and his French knights at the battle of Tours in 732, Don John of Austria at Lepanto in 1571 and King John Sobieski and his Polish hussars at the gates of Vienna in 1683.

As a religion, predatory Islam can infiltrate, permeate and subvert much more easily than atheist Communism ever could. It is tax-exempt and protected by the Constitution it is committed to destroy. Today, Christianity can’t get anywhere near Communist government school grounds – the Anti-American Communist Liars Union (ACLU) would go to court – but those schools teach Mohammedanism. The District of Criminals has made such infiltration feasible by squelching possibly huge oil production here so that we “need” to buy it from fleabag Mohammedan countries and make them filthy rich. Saudi Arabia, for one, is spending liberally to finance its cult in this country.

Where does Zionism fit in? There appear to be at least two main species of Zionism. One wants nothing more than a political home for the Jews. The other includes innumerable Socialists and Communists. Like today’s Islam, it is another dialectical arm in the conspiracy for world government. Because it is predatory and Communist, it has almost completely succeeded in crowding out traditional Zionism, creating the spurious imposture that it alone speaks for the movement.

So well has it done this, that I myself was barely aware of the divisions among Zionists. I had thought Zionism was one monolithic, uniform thing. No, like every other political movement, it has factions. One would do us no harm. The one that concerns us here is a major threat.

Most Zionists by far are not Jews. They are Christians who support a Jewish nation because of what they were told in church. Some Zionists are Jews. Other Jews, thousands of them, oppose Zionism as the work of Satan. Still others oppose it because they are loyal to the nations where they live.

Indeed, I was enormously surprised to learn that, at the beginning of the previous century, most American Jews were fervently opposed to Zionism; they considered it an anti-American extrusion from Russia. From the beginning, all these Jews have fought Zionism. So Zionism and Judaism are not the same thing. Indeed, please name for me by far the biggest victim of predatory Zionism. Which people has predatory Zionism victimized most?

The surprising (to me) answer is: the Jews. What? Yes, the Jews. Predatory Zionism has killed almost as many Jews as Hitler. Indeed, predatory Zionism collaborated with Hitler. It is not an exaggeration to say that had predatory Zionism never intervened, there would have been no “Holocaust”; the Jews of Europe would have emigrated. The millions the Nazis killed and their children would be alive today.

Swindler, traitor, mass murderer Franklin Roosevelt needed a horrific reason to propel our peace-minded people into World War II and arranged Pearl Harbor for the purpose. In like fashion, predatory Zionism needed an equally horrific reason to inspire panicky Jews to stampede to the Middle East; they needed such a reason to inspire a wave of sympathy that would make the movement possible.

By the way, long before this, the British offered Uganda to early Zionist leader Theodore Herzl for a national Jewish home; conspirators who soon seized control of Zionism cut him out of the debate, despite the fact that Jews already in then Palestine almost unanimously applauded the Uganda proposal. Had no one intervened, Israel could be there today. Herzl died at age forty four.

So, predatory Zionists did facilitate the evacuation from Hitler Europe of their own (Jews at the top of society), but again and again they sabotaged efforts to evacuate ordinary Jews. Those Jews wound up in Mengele’s crematoria. Predatory Zionists killed them. They did not just turn a blind eye. Many sources prove this, but predatory Zionists by now exercise sufficient control to squelch them.

For instance, browse through Dr. Henry Makow’s new book,Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World (Winnipeg, Silas Green, 2008). By the way, Dr. Henry is a Jew. All his grandparents were killed by the Nazis. His parents survived only by pretending not to be Jewish. Dr. Henry has lived in Israel and used to be a Zionist. Is he credible yet?

He writes that in 1925 Germany’s 500,000 Jews were either overwhelmingly indifferent or actively hostile to Zionism. They wanted to assimilate and opposed anti-Semitism. But the predatory Zionists welcomed Nazi anti-Semitism. Both Zionists and Nazis agreed Jews should not be in Germany. They collaborated. Zionists did not protest Nazi persecution; for instance, when the Nazis fired two thousand Jews from the universities they uttered not a peep.

Dr. Makow writes (p. 145): “. . . Adolph Eichmann set up agricultural training camps in Austria to prepare young Jews for Kibbutz life. He visited Palestine and conferred with Zionist leaders who confessed their true expansionist goals. There was even talk of a strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and Jewish Palestine. His report is in Himmler’s Archives.”

That’s right! Adolph Eichmann was a Zionist. Didn’t you know? He was persecuted as a child because he looked Jewish. He associated with Jews. As a Gestapo officer, he learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. These are just a few examples of such connections.

Now, why did the Holocaust happen? Again, it happened, and could only have happened, because the predatory Red “Labor” Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to inflict it. Hannah Arendt was a Jewish philosopher. Our Communist media and academia have bedecked her with enormous credibility.

In Eichmann in Jerusalem (New York: Penguin Books, 1977), she writes: “In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to . . . supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation. . . .” (P. 117) Without that intervention, she says (p. 125), far fewer victims would have died. Why did they do it?

World Zionist Organization official Nathan Schwalb explained in 1942 why the Zionists refused to pay Berlin a mere $2 million to save all the Jews in Europe: “. . . [A]ll the Allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war’s end? . . . for only with blood shall we get the land.” (Makow, p. 148) Top Zionist celebrities do not deny this. In 1958, former Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett said at a memorial: “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many.” This worked out to mean kill many Jews to save a few. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2,

[Announcement: Alan Stang's radio show, The Sting of Stang, airs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central, M-F, via Republic Broadcasting Network. Call him on the air at (800) 313-9443. To listen, go to republicbroadcasting.org and click on Listen Live. If you can't listen at that time, do so via the archives, which are free. I'll be talking about the various manifestations of the conspiracy for world government, its tactics, such as the illegal alien invasion, its purposes and its players, from Jorge W. Boosh on down.]

© 2009 Alan Stang - All Rights Reserved

Alan Stang was one of Mike Wallace’s original writers at Channel 13 in New York, where he wrote some of the scripts that sent Mike to CBS. Stang has been a radio talk show host himself. In Los Angeles, he went head to head nightly with Larry King, and, according to Arbitron, had almost twice as many listeners. He has been a foreign correspondent. He has written hundreds of feature magazine articles in national magazines and some fifteen books, for which he has won many awards, including a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for journalistic excellence. One of Stang’s exposés stopped a criminal attempt to seize control of New Mexico, where a gang seized a court house, held a judge hostage and killed a deputy. The scheme was close to success before Stang intervened. Another Stang exposé inspired major reforms in federal labor legislation.

His first book, It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, was an instant best-seller. His first novel, The Highest Virtue, set in the Russian Revolution, won smashing reviews and five stars, top rating, from the West Coast Review of Books, which gave five stars in only one per cent of its reviews.

Stang has lectured in every American state and around the world and has guested on many top shows, including CNN’s Cross Fire. Because he and his wife had the most kids in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, where they lived at the time, the entire family was chosen to be actors in “Havana,” directed by Sydney Pollack and starring Robert Redford, the most expensive movie ever made (at the time). Alan Stang is the man in the ridiculous Harry Truman shirt with the pasted-down hair. He says they made him do it.

Website: AlanStang.com

E-Mail: stangfeedback@gmail.com