We Are Not Alone. Islam is Invading Sweden Too20 March 2009
Muslim disturbances are becoming the norm in ‘peaceful’ Sweden. Malmö, one of the largest and most stylish cities in the south of the country, now has the highest percentage of resident Muslims anywhere in Sweden. And trouble is now commonplace.
Recently, a Swedish sports fan posted the following comments after violence at a tennis tournament between Sweden and Israel, held in Malmo: “Gentlemen, your lovely and peaceful country is overtaken by savage barbarians tragically aided by hallucinating radical left wingers at their side. Sports should never mix with politics, certainly not with violence.
“When will you realize that your liberty and way of life are threatened by those to whom you, foolishly, gave asylum? If you do not react your life will be hell on earth - nothing less. You are not masters in your own home country! Your surrender to the hordes is not a badge of honour.”
The trouble started when some five thousand Muslims, aided and abetted by left-wingers, demonstrated against the tournament. Several hundred tried to attack the police outside the venue and break through the police barricades. Some of the militants tried to climb onto police vehicles and trash the blue lights. Others climbed lamp posts to smash or remove the bulbs. Yet others, masked and dressed in black, shot fire works and threw paint on buildings and people.
Another posting on the web afterwards came from a man admitting “I am ashamed to be a Swede. The demonstration against the tennis match between Israel and Sweden wasn’t about tennis, of course, it was about hating everything Israel is, lying through their teeth about what Israel has and hasn’t done, and advocating support for Hamas.
“Left wingers and Muslims side by side once again. One Arab group started chanting slogans in Arabic, calling for the return of Mohammed. The Swedish police did what they usually do - nothing. The police have their hands tied by the politicians and, in turn, the politicians are left-wing, pro-Arab, anti-Israel, all of which makes this mess what it is.”
No wonder even the so-called ‘Moderate Party’ in Sweden is now demanding a knowledge of the Swedish language before migrants are granted citizenship, and the right of the state to withdraw citizenship from those who gained it on false premises, for example by bribery, threats or false identity.
The party wants the state to contract with newly arrived migrants, any breach of which would jeopardise their right to benefits. And if migrants chose to live in areas classed as “over established”, all rights to benefits would be forfeited. Those foreign citizens convicted for serious crimes should be automatically deported.
The party also wants the Swedish authorities to invalidate passports that have been reported as lost. They claim some 200,000 Swedish passports are “adrift in the world”, many of them being traded as commodities.
Swedish politicians from the left have been quick to respond to this initiative and, unsurprisingly, offered heavy criticism.
Kalle Larsson, the Socialist spokesman on immigration policy in Sweden, described such a policy programme as “more xenophobic rhetoric” in an interview with the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The Greens, Social Democrats, and the governing Alliance party were all equally critical. Only the Liberals saw some merit in what was being proposed, but still had doubts, while the Christian Democrats claimed the Moderate Party had pinched their policy on citizenship.
Meanwhile, the dilution of Swedish identity in Malmo and elsewhere goes on unchecked, disturbances continue based on the slightest pretext, and the Swedish government continues to abide by EU immigration controls – or the total lack of them.To respond to, or comment on this Email, please email ashley.mote@btconnect.com
Friday, 20 March 2009
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Britannia Radio