Only the Poor and Ignorant Don't Support the EU Anyone who does not agree with the EU's drive for greater integration must be less educated and less affluent than most, according to the Hungarian socialist Gyula Hegyi, who succeeded last week (22 March) in having a report entitled 'Dialogue with the Citizens of Europe' approved by the parliament by 529 votes to 90. His report went on: "The European idea [whatever that is] mainly reaches the well-educated, wealthy segment of European society."31 March 2009
He had apparently failed to notice that the minority who had managed to read the Lisbon Treaty, and the Constitutional Treaty before it, must have been highly intelligent and enjoyed considerable intellectual stamina. What's more, the tiny minority across the 27 EU nations who had read the treaties had tended to oppose them both.
But Mr Hegyi was not to be deterred. Elsewhere in his 31 page report he called for more 'spin' to get the EU's message across. Pure Mandelson. Mr Hegyi wrote: "Adapt messages to different target groups, according to their social backgrounds...provide the same information tailored to individual target groups...facilitate debate with and among informed citizens."
Later, he called for "activities enabling citizens to be better informed about immigrants' countries of origin and .... to better inform immigrants of their rights and duties attached to EU citizenship". Mr Hegyi apparently does not know that the 'duties' of an EU citizen have never been defined, and they are still not defined in the Lisbon Treaty.
None of which stops Mr Hegyi calling for the EU to spread the word about the wonders of living in the European Union amongst the more impoverished nations of the third world, the clear implication being that they should all come and live here!
Warming to his theme, this extraordinarily arrogant Hungarian socialist finishes by calling for teachers to introduce "European politics and history in schools across the EU".
We can all guess what that means. To respond to, or comment on this Email, please email
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
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Britannia Radio