Adar 17, 5769, 3/13/2009 7 Steps to Help You Make Aliyahby Tamar YonahDear Tamar, My name is Simcha, I just turned 21 and I live in the USA. I read your blog and it is wonderful. I agree with you 100% . I need your advice. I want to make aliyah to Israel, but I don't know what to do. I have a disability with my legs and I need to walk with crutches. I believe that we, the Jewish people, should be in Israel to be safe physically and spiritually. When I hear you say that the Jewish people must make aliyah and I see the olim come out of the airplane I am very happy and also saddened because my family and I are not there yet. My parents and family members do not seem to have the same feeling about Aliyah that I do. My mother's side of the family lives in Israel. I am looking forward to you answer.
Dear Tamar, Tamar I have been a follower of your show for quite some time. You as well as others on INR have touched me deeply. So much so that I am considering doing Aliyah. Just to give you a little background, I am a recently separated 43 yr old Male who was married to a non-jew for over 20 years, although I have listened to your station for a few years I have just recently come into my Judaism. I would like to know how I can do Aliyah, I have NO money in this recent separation I gave it all away to my ex-wife basically saying she needs the physical world more than I do. Please tell me how I can come home and get a job and be a contributing member to Israel. Thank you so much for your time. H.
Hi Tamar, I want to move to Israel. My husband wants to move to the Caribbean. I am trying to explain to him that Israel will be the safest place for the Jewish people. My husband asked me what about Armageddon- Har Megido isn't that were the "final battle" will take place. what do I tell him? That the battle of Gog and Magog will not involve the Jewish people? Please help me convince my husband. Thank you, M. (Tamar responds: Tell your husband that we must all remember that after the battle of Gog and Magog, it is WE who survive this war, and it is WE, the Jews, the House of Israel, who are the ones burying THEIR dead bodies. See Ezekiel 39:12 ) ******************************* Most people here tell you to make aliyah. But no one tells you HOW to make aliyah. Below is a 7 step plan for making aliyah, especially if you have family members who are not as into the idea as you are. Preface: It is WONDERFUL to hear you desire to make aliyah. 2) Start talking to your family about making Aliyah. Describe your excitement and feelings of how wonderful it will be to live in Israel. Bring the topic up at meals, when sitting around, before going to sleep. Get your family used to the idea, or at least keep it always in their minds. Do it in a positive manner, don't be annoying, but be excited and optimistic. 3) Purchase the book Em HaBanim Semeichah and read it. Read passages from it to your family when you can. Also, read them articles like these (click on all underlined text which has links to take you to where you can get more info): IS THE FUTURE OF AMERICAN JEWRY SECURE? Get them in the 'head' of hearing and wanting and listening to how people have done it, how it is a mitzvah, and how it is a privilege for our generation to be able to do it so easily compared to our ancestors throughout the ages. Discuss with them a TARGET DATE, perhaps this summer of 2009? If you miss that date, perhaps the winter of 2009... But start filling out the forms now. A TARGET DATE makes things happen. CHOOSE ONE.
5) Look for communities to settle in, in Israel. Click HERE. Remember, that we are not the USSR. If you find that you'd like another city or community better after settling in, you can always re-locate. 6) Plan a pilot trip to Israel. You don't have to bring your whole family. You and your spouse is enough if you can leave the kids with Grandma. A good place to hook up with for a pilot trip is with Tehilla. . They take you to communities all over Israel to check out, and have representatives there to meet you and answer your questions about life in their town. They also help you make connections regarding employment possibilities. You can make your own private pilot trip as well. If you cannot afford a hotel or places to stay at, contact me and I will try to help you with this hurdle. *Specifically for Simcha who has a physical disability: Israel has very good doctors, hospitals and health care. While no medical insurance plans anywhere in the world are perfect, Israel's are pretty good in that it is much cheaper to get medical help here in Israel than in the USA. Also, you say that you have family here on your mother's side. Having family here in israel is a big plus! Get in touch with them, start forming a closer relationship. They can be of immense help. Take advantage of this blessing! ******************************* I hope that you all start making plans for starting your aliyah. Again, please remember that things take time, so start the process now. Always make options for yourself. Make sure your, and your family's passports are all current and in order. You can always change your mind and cancel plans, but you cannot snap your fingers when you want and expect things to go smoothly and quickly. MAKE OPTIONS! Always best to be able to decide you changed your mind, than to put yourself into situation where you decide you DO want to go, but can't. |
Sunday, 15 March 2009
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Britannia Radio