By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen
March 11, 2009
Anyone still imagining that life under Islamic law wouldn’t be so bad, needs to hear the story of the 75-year-old widow in Saudi Arabia sentenced recently to 40 lashes and four months in jail for “mingling.”
The sentence for the Syrian woman who was married to a Saudi, also includes order that she be deported after serving her sentence.
Her crime?
The woman met with two 24-year-old men last April after asking them to bring her five loaves of bread, according to reports. They were her late husband’s nephew and his friend, according to the Associated Press, which reported the men were also arrested, convicted and sentenced to lashes and prison.
The court reportedly said it based its ruling on “citizen information” — read “rumor.”
But of course, even if it were absolutely true that the old lady had a conversation with the guys who delivered her bread, so what?!
This form of Islam reportedly prohibits men and women who are not immediate relatives from mingling, bars women from driving, and prohibits the playing of music, dancing and many movies.
Sounds like a lousy place to visit, and a worse place to live.
But, of course, this isn’t the only recent example of why it’s imperative that the West wake up and smell the falafel.
Another is the recent story of the four Somali youths who were publicly lashed for gang rape.
The AP report describes the lashing as practically symbolic, since it was administered through the accuseds’ clothes and did not break their skin.
“Two of the youths smiled and laughed as they were punished,” according to the story.
Most of that nation’s courts’ judges have links to the Islamist insurgency fighting the government, and base their judgment on Shariah law, according to reports.
This apparent lack of justice for theses rapists would be bad enough alone, but the story is made infinitely worse by the fact that the 13-year-old gang rape victim was stoned to death in front of 1,000 spectators.
I don’t know about you, but these nightmare scenarios don’t describe a society in which I would want to live.
Not that I’d likely have much choice.
What I don’t understand is why everyone not openly fighting for the Islamists isn’t outspokenly determined to make absolutely sure nothing even remotely resembling this takes root here.
If the male of the species can’t see it, surely the women, who clearly have the most to lose in this scenario, should be seriously alarmed by the prospect of such a mind set spreading. And it is. Already Europe is being referred in some circles as Europistan.
I, for one, will not live in Ameristan, though if it came to that, I’m not sure where there would still be left to go.