The BBC, with some 1,000 Common Purpose 'graduates', er, 'investigates' Common Purpose Whenever the BBC says it is going to 'investigate' anything to do with the global conspiracy you can always forget the 'investigate' bit and this was the case yet again with its radio 'investigation' into the sinister 'training' organisation, Common Purpose. The show presenter writes about 'conspiracy theorists' believing that Common Purpose wants to 'take over the world'. No they don't. They say that Common Purpose is one part of a vast web of interconnecting orgasnisations that are creating a global Orwellian state. This is one listener's review of the programme: 'A typical Biased Broadcasting Corporation event, Brian Gerrish on tape with no right of comment to what was being said. Robin Ramsey the token 'Conspiracy theorist' Expert from the 'safe' lobster magazine who obviously threw in the standard bullshit about conspiracy 'Constructs' and who as a fervent critic of David Icke made sure the 'Lizard' theme was introduced to discredit the whole thing. This, together with one of Common Purpose's trustees Andrew Cubie and a 'tame' Common purpose graduate and investigative reporting skills of a snail, created the perfect template for the attempted debunking the whole issue. Well done BBC 'Common Purpose' graduates!' Here is Brian Gerrish exposing the Common Purpose agenda ...
Monday, 9 March 2009
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Britannia Radio