The BBC ran their main item today on the situation in Pakistan/Afghanistan. David Miliband was on to waffle about how developments here are putting British lives at risk, but he omitted to share with us that some British muslims are travelling to that region to ensure British lives are put at risk! Miliband seems to think this is an economic and welfare issue - what a dhimmi! Labels: dhimmis Comments: 75 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Caught an interview with Sir Hugh Orde, the politician masquerading as the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The issue discussed was the raised threat from republican terrorists (or "dissidents" as the official euphemism would have it) and the news that British Army special forces have been sent to Northern Ireland to raise intelligence on this terror group. The BBC chose to frame the interview by pointing out that Sinn Fein and the SDLP are very unhappy about this and then Orde was asked to explain himself. Bias Number One; The BBC saw no need to ask what unioniss think about this, presumably they are not worth hearing from. Is it possible some may actually welcome anti-terrorist moves?? Bias Number Two; The BBC now likes to pretend that Sinn Fein and the IRA are somehow strangers in the night and treats the bleating of this collective of terrorists and their depraved advocates as the new moral majority. Why does the BBC not explain that the Sinn Fein leadership contains terrorists before it goes on to lovingly provide them with a platform? Is there such a thing as a good terrorist in BBC world-view? One of my big concerns about the BBC is that fact that it will not accept that there is such a thing as a terrorist, (Except for the IDF and US armed forces) and so all discussions on terrorism are wrapped up in incoherent moral equivalence. Labels: irish terrorism Comments: 19 (unread) - Biased BBC Home ed thomas # Aunty You may think this undercuts the report- oh no, you'd be wrong. It's all about "raising awareness", after all. Labels: Nanny State, Poor journalism, tranzis Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Thursday, March 05, 2009 It's quite interesting. Up until the point where I assumed most of the posting here on Biased BBC , I had a regular spot on the local BBC main politics programme here called "Hearts and Minds". I had three minutes to provide my views on the political week - and as you might imagine, I tended to present a rather different view to the usual in-crowd right-on hacks that are used. Being right of liberal, resolutely anti-terrorist, pro-USA, anti-EU, pro capitalism and anti-Statism, I was the proverbial square peg in a round BBC hole. But the invites started to dry up as this blog has gained momentum and it looks to me that I have been dropped from programme. Cue cheer-leading from all my detractors here in Northern Ireland! I have become a B-BBC martyr and it's all thanks to you!!! Here's the way I look on it. I am fortunate enough not to require one penny from the BBC, unlike certain other "commentators" who seem to pop up on a continual basis. I also am determined that I will write the Biased BBC book oft talked about here and publish it this year. So in order for me to do this, I need to blog less so I can write more. So if you notice a drop off in my posts that's the reason. I might take weekends off to write so there may be less posts from me at that time. Someone needs to nail the BBC and it may as well be us - so with your encouragement and help I will do it. Look on this as a statement of intent. Labels: Biased BBC - the book Comments: 44 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Friday, March 06, 2009
David Vance #EXTREMISTS?Big brother is concerned that you should be concerned about global sexual equality in this time of World Economic Crisis which the dear leader Brown is not responsible for and grappling with . The fact that the concept would barely be understood by half the world is unimportant (they haven't even noticed the WEC poor dears!). You and your emotional condition are the targets. Let's only talk "global female unemployment". Yes, that would be meaningful. To make the report especially meaningful, let's leave this little detail to the end:
David Vance #
Friday, 6 March 2009
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Britannia Radio