Nice little diversionary tactic from the BBC this morning. At a time of economic turmoil (for those outside the State sector) what could be MORE important than for the Dear Leader to be discussing Royal succession reform with the Palace? The BBC have even produced another of their notorious polls to show the public to be wildly supportive of the ending of the concept of a Protestant monarchy. All wrapped up in the colourful decor of equality, this is red meat for those (such as the BBC) who loath our enduringly successful Monarchy and who seek to reduce it to the same sort of mess so much else of our once great Nation has become under siLabour "reform." I can't believe that this is the big issue on anyone but the most rapid republican's tongue so why is the BBC out commissioning a poll on it? PS Since writing this the BBC have invited me on the Nolan Show to discuss. I will repeat the views stated above - plus any thoughts you may have. Labels: anti-monarchy Comments: 3 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Laban # Don't get me wrong. I think we can all feel a little sorry for Gordon Brown these days - at least until we look at our pensions, or our children's futures. The BBC were really doing us all a kindness when they kept his poor rictus grin off the screens as Nigel Farage and Dan Hannan tore into him the other day. It was painful to see him. But when Gordon's advisers study the polls and attempt to get some more positive media coverage for him, there's no need for the republicans in the BBC (i.e. 97% of the staff) to go quite so far overboard. Is the fact that the Great Leader is attempting to browbeat HRH over the tragic Royal discrimination against Catholics really worthy of the main headlineon all BBC channels and the website this morning ? It's certainly not a subject that exercises Catholics, and I don't think that's what the recent trouble in Northern Ireland's about either. The only people who are really bothered by it are the usual left wing suspects (who generally can't stand Catholics unless they're armed, anti-British and homicidal) and Lib Dem MP Evan Harris. Why the BBC is acting as a megaphone for Gordon's "diversionary exercise" I simply can't understand - any more than I can understand why Robert Peston does the same for him on the economics front. (of course the problem with the Act of Successsion is that Britain is (formally) not a secular democracy, but an explicitly religious state, with the head of state also head of the state church. Once discrimination against Catholics is removed, the basis of the UK constitution must also change. And why stop at Catholics ? Discrimination is discrimination, surely ? Shouldn't Prince William be able to marry someone like Chah Oh-Niyol Kai Whitewind ?) Labels: anti-monarchy, Brown, pro Labour bias, republicanismBiased BBC Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
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Britannia Radio