I see the health fascists in the SNP are trying to stop alcohol being priced"too cheaply" - whatever that means. This kind of Nanny Statism is beloved of the BBC since it embodies the central meme that the State always knows best. Labels: Nanny State Comments: 21 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I see that BBC are pushing the line that "Asians" are getting more and more into football but apparently racism still plays a part from deterring some of these "asians" from going to a game. Looks like soccer is also institutionally racist, just like every other UK institution. How lucky we are to have the BBC to point these matters out to us. Labels: racism Comments: 25 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Another morning, another hysterical story proving just how bad "global warming" is for dear old Blighty! The BBC provided a platform for Ruth Davis head of "Climate change" at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to give flight to her theory that Britain's birds are being driven northwards and towards extinction by the grim advance of global warming. There's nothing like a little one-sided climate sensationalism to get the week off to a good start! Labels: agw Comments: 57 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I listened to this interview with Nicholas Young, chief executive of the British Red Cross, on "Today" this morning. He was on to argue for more financial help for Gaza and to ensure that those pesky borders aree opened up to allow for the flow of all that "humanitarian aid" which the inhabitants of this moral sewer require. It's interesting to listen him get through the interview without having to even once deal with the fact that the genocidal Jew-killers in Hamas rule Gaza and that Hamas are directly responsible for borders being closed and for IDF military intervention in Gaza ! It's almost as if the Red Cross and the BBC deliberately obscure the reasons for the condition in which Gaza finds itself! But that could never be....could it? Labels: anti-Israel, pro-palestinian Comments: 31 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Monday, March 02, 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
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Britannia Radio