I was reading this BBC report concerning the decision by the Northern Ireland assembly not to prosecute DUP MLA Iris Robinson over comments she made about homosexuals last year. Robinson, chair of the Stormont health committee, called for homosexuals to seek psychiatric counselling. Now, a few points; 1. I have no time for Mrs Robinson or her awful party. 2. I passionately believe in free speech. 3.This BBC item presents the issue purely in terms of the militant gay lobby screeching for Robinson to be prosecuted for hate crime versus the DUP chiming Iris is innocent. What about the views of us who are neither gay nor DUP (or even both!!) but who see that there is something inherently wrong in preventing the expression of opinion in the public sphere just because it offends one small but vocal minority. Why do WE not get a say on this? Is it because you can tell that the BBC line is very much in line with the gay lobbyists and whilst they cannot be overt about this, they seek to suggest that only the DUP are in favour of free speech? Labels: pro gay Comments: 18 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Don't know if you are a rugby fan but if you do share my enthusiasm for the game you may well be tuning in later today when the final chapter of the 6 Nations is played out. The climax is the game between Wales and Ireland at the excellent Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. So, how does the BBC cover this? Simple; they drag on some feminazi who finds the singing by the crowd of the well known song "Delilah" ...."sinister." It seems the lyrics could encourage male violence. Oh my goodness, WHY do we have to pay for this? In what world is this a major story - it was on at prime-time 8.20am. Is there NOTHING else the BBC could have covered? It's uber leftie politically correct feminazi drivel and I hope the crowd will belt out the words of the song and that the game is a great spectacle for all who watch it. I'm sure some Beeboid will be wondering why there are no women playing in either team! Labels: feminazis Comments: 35 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Friday, March 20, 2009 Labels: open thread Comments: 142 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I was reading this report on the BBC NI portal and it sickens me insofar as the way in which it is written tries to portray the police as villains when in fact all they are seeking to do is to apprehend the brutal killers of Police Constable Carroll, murdered by the "I can't believe it's the IRA" last week. Alex Maskey, a convicted bank robber and senior Sinn Feinspokesman (What could be more normal than that?) is allowed to pontificate about the wrongness of the police investigation and then one of the myriad pro-Republican human rights parasites in the shape of Mike Ritchie from the Campaign Against Justice, (as I like to call them) weighs in to support the Maskey line. The BBC cannot seem to find any other politicians who support the decision by the police to question these alleged republican killers for seven days. Maybe they could try and look just a little harder, I am certain they are out there. Labels: pro-IRA Comments: 11 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Saturday, March 21, 2009
David Vance #HATE CRIME.
David Vance #
Sunday, 22 March 2009
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Britannia Radio