Look at the BBC coverage of the collapse of the Dunfermline Building Society. Check out the headlines "Brown offer to Dunfermline savers" "Brown soothes savers" - relax, the Dear Leader has it all control and there is nothing to worry about. Labels: save gordon sue # So for that reason I suggest we take some of the excellent advice they offer on their website since it has clearly been so effective. There is a handy list of contacts, hints on letter writing, tips on how to pressure the media to present your case, and a useful guide to ‘where journalism often goes wrong when dealing with violence’, entitled “Misrepresenting Violence.” That one should be forwarded to Jeremy Bowen immediately. It was published in 2002 but he might not have seen it. There is also a page explaining some factual errors, for example the myth that Hamas is out to destroy Israel. They supply proof of this on two counts. A) How could they do it with such inferior weaponry? B) They have offered a ten-year hudna. What more could they do? Labels: pro palestinian Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home sue # Labels: open thread Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Saturday, March 28, 2009 Who better to provide a Thought for the Day this morning on the wicked centuries of oppression and discrimination against British Roman Catholics as a consequence of the 1701 Act of Settlement than Catherine Pepinster, editor of the Catholic weekly, The Tablet? Labels: religion Comments: 34 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The government narrative, parroted by the BBC, is that economic deflation is the dragon which St Gordon must slay. The idea that current government policy is storing up massive inflationary pressures that will cause chaos over the next eighteen months is dismissed and so this morning I listened to a BBC approved commentator, Dr Sushal Wadhwani actually state that inflation would be a nice thing to have. Howard Davies was also on to shill for quantitative easing and all in all this little itemwas seven minutes in favour of the Dear Leader's policies - with a Wadhwani knife in the back for Mervyn King for added measure. Labels: save gordon. Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Oh happy day. Thirty years ago today, the Callaghan government fell and the ascent of Thatcherism took off! The BBC covered it this morning but what struck me was that the reflections from that momentous time were largely provided by the likes of David Steele and Roy Hattersley. There was a noticeable absence of opinion from those at the centre of the Thatcher revolution itself - don't the BBC have Lord Tebbit's phone number? Perhaps the BBC still has trouble accepting what happened back then? Labels: anti-conservative Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The BBC are really bigging up the protest in London today by the usual left-wing anarcho environmental rabble. I laughed at the easy ride given to their hero Trade Union fatcat Brendan Barber as he droned on about the need for "ordinary people" to put their views across to Government on the big issues namely "jobs, justice and climate." This is a perfect storm of left wing values as their endemic hatred of capitalism combines with their irrational and militant advocacy of ecowackery for a very public display - with the likes of the Muslim Council of Britain there to add their weight. I think the BBC is anticipating street trouble as "ordinary people" express their "justified anger" as to our economic problems. It's almost as if the BBC sympathises with Brendan and the gang... Labels: Save the G20 Comments: 44 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Sunday, March 29, 2009
David Vance #SAVE JONAH!Lobby in Hotel
David Vance #
Sunday, 29 March 2009
300 people attended a glittering celebration at the Kensington Royal Garden Hotel the other day. Nearly forty of them were senior BBC journalists. The function was laid on by Arab Media Watch, or the pro Palestinian lobby, as a fundraiser and a gesture of appreciation for sympathetic coverage of Gaza. This is a mirror image of the Jewish lobby, but, unlike that sinister satanic cabal, this one is obviously considered respectable and above board by the BBC.
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Britannia Radio