Biased BBC | |
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 sue #Gorgeous? Something the BBC forgot to mention in its report on G. Galloway's triumphant arrival in Gaza.Quite fond of getting onto all fours... “Mr. Galloway kissed the ground after crossing into Gaza.” "I have entered Palestine many times but the most emotional of these is after the 22-day genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people," he told reporters, referring to the Israeli offensive which ended on 18 January which Israeli said was launched in response to rocket fire from Gaza.” Making sure they mention the genocidal aggression etc. etc., they forgot to add that Gorgeous was donating direct to Ismail Haniya, leader of Hamas "We are giving you now 100 vehicles and all of their contents, and we make no apology for what I am about to say. We are giving them to the elected government of Palestine," Galloway said at a press conference in Gaza City.Galloway said he personally would be donating three cars and 25,000 pounds to Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya as he dared the West to try to prosecute him for aiding what it considers a terror group. "I say now to the British and European governments, if you want to take me to court, I promise you there is no jury in all of Britain who will convict me. They will convict you." Galloway made the announcement at an outdoor conference in the presence of several senior Hamas officials, and his words were greeted by shouts of "Allahu Akbar!" (God is Great). Aid for Gaza =Aid for Hamas.Labels: anti Israel, pro Hamas Comments: 42 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # WORLD CLASS HYPOCRISYAlong with the notion that the NHS is "world-class", the BBC likes to peddle the fantasy that our education system is also cutting edge. Anyone coming up against it will know just how dire it really is - riddled with third rate teachers who cannot be sacked. So when the government comes up with the idea that it might fast-track those being made redundant from the Finance sector into teaching roles, the BBC provides Christine Blower, acting general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, with the opportunity to come on and explain just how precious, how very sacred, the current route to teaching really is. She talked self-protectionist drivel and yet not once was her argument subjected to any real scrutiny. There is a cosy consensus between Government and the BBC and the Trade Unions (all the same really) that teaching excellence is a national treasure we must not challenge, nor must we disrupt the Union controlled route to the "profession." Labels: pro-unions Comments: 38 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # HUNTING SABOEUTEURSThe BBC report is very prim. " Two people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a hunt supporter died when he was hit by a gyrocopter at an airfield." But why so coy? Oh, NOW I understand, it appears the alleged killers were hunt saboeuteurs. Well, if you go hunting, you deserve all you get, right? Good old Auntie - can't wait for Red Nose Day. Labels: anti- field sports Comments: 26 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # PEACE, PERFECT PEACE.I am sorry if my coverage of issues here has suddenly become Northern Ireland-centric but the brutal murder of a Police Officer last night took place just a few miles from where I live and in an area I know well. I listened to an interview on Today this morning with the local IRA/Sinn Fein represent, and Herman Munster look-a-like John O'Dowd. You can catch it here. To be fair to John Humphyrs, he did kick back a little at the sickening arrogance of O'Dowd but here again I must question the ability of the BBC to ask searching question. Permit me to explain. In 1997, two RUC officers were shot in the the back of the head by IRA assassins. The local community from which Mr O'Dowd hails, did not give the killers up. So when he now says that the local community should pass on any intelligence to the police concerning last night's murder, the question is why did the same community keep quiet about similar murders back then? Would he like to see the guilty apprehended? IRA/Sinn Fein talk in code - the job of the media is to cut through this and let ordinary people understand what is really being said. However the BBC has invested massively in supporting the political process which has rewarded the IRA, refusing to give people such as me a voice because we point out inconvenient truths. In that regard, the BBC is part of the problem, it is institutionally biased in favour of a given political dispensation and I fail to see why we must fund this. Do you? Labels: ira, northern ireland Comments: 24 (unread) - Biased BBC Home |
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 21:25