Sunday, 15 March 2009

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Nobody listens to the real climate change experts

A snowman

The minds of world leaders are firmly shut to anything but the fantasies of the scaremongers, says Christopher Booker.

14 Mar 2009

Why should we pay for the beliefs of others?

Christopher Booker is bemused that more that 5,000 UK companies are having to spend millions on "carbon credits".

14 Mar 2009

Climate 'denial' is now a mental disorder

Christopher Booker is bemused by the wild rhetoric of the climate change lobby.

07 Mar 2009

How will the Tories fill our power shortfall?

Drax power station

David Cameron appears oblivious to the fact that within a few years we will not be generating enough power to keep the country running, saysChristopher Booker.

07 Mar 2009

Mandelson’s package and the loss of Royal Mail

Royal Mail is suffering because of its willingness to comply with EU postal service directives, says Christopher Booker.

01 Mar 2009

How UK defence firms suffer for MoD Euro-mania

What is truly shocking, is the story behind LDV's plight, writesChristopher Booker.

01 Mar 2009

Climate change rhetoric spirals out of control

Christopher Booker says that the Government must be absolutely sure that their data on climate change is accurate.

21 Feb 2009

Why do people think Darwinism is a perfect creation?

Christopher Booker is familair with the unabashed bigotry of staunch Darwinists.

14 Feb 2009

The breaking news the BBC wouldn't tell

The world-beating British firm that has undertaken the recycling of a French aircraft carrier should be lauded, saysChristopher Booker.

14 Feb 2009

Darwin zealots have made science a religion

Christopher Booker is troubled by the fervour surrounding the 200-year anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth.

07 Feb 2009

The sub-prime house that Obama built

As a young but influential Chicago politician, the American president helped to create the housing bubble, says Christopher Booker.

31 Jan 2009

BBC abandons 'impartiality' on warming

Again and again the BBC has been eager to promote every new scare raised by the advocates of man-made global warming, says Christopher Booker.

01 Feb 2009

Despite hot air, the Antarctic is not warming up

A deeply flawed new report will be cited ad nauseam by everyone from the BBC to Al Gore, saysChristopher Booker.

01 Feb 2009