March 15, 2009
by Bruce Schneier
Chief Security Technology Officer, BT
A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on security: computer and otherwise.
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In this issue:
Perverse Security Incentives
Privacy in the Age of Persistence
The Doghouse: Singularics
Three Security Anecdotes from the Insect World
The Kindness of Strangers
New eBay Fraud
Schneier News
IT Security: Blaming the Victim
Balancing Security and Usability in Authentication
Comments from Readers
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Perverse Security Incentives
An employee of Whole Foods in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was fired in 2007 for
apprehending a shoplifter. More specifically, he was fired for touching
a customer, even though that customer had a backpack filled with stolen
groceries and was running away with them.
I regularly see security decisions that, like the Whole Foods incident,
seem to make absolutely no sense. However, in every case, the decisions
actually make perfect sense once you understand the underlying
incentives driving the decision. All security decisions are trade-offs,
but the motivations behind them are not always obvious: They're often
subjective, and driven by external incentives. And often security
trade-offs are made for nonsecurity reasons.
Almost certainly, Whole Foods has a no-touching-the-customer policy
because its attorneys recommended it. "No touching" is a security
measure as well, but it's security against customer lawsuits. The cost
of these lawsuits would be much, much greater than the $346 worth of
groceries stolen in this instance. Even applied to suspected
shoplifters, the policy makes sense: The cost of a lawsuit resulting
from tackling an innocent shopper by mistake would be far greater than
the cost of letting actual shoplifters get away. As perverse it may
seem, the result is completely reasonable given the corporate incentives
-- Whole Foods wrote a corporate policy that benefited itself.
At least, it works as long as the police and other factors keep
society's shoplifter population down to a reasonable level.
Incentives explain much that is perplexing about security trade-offs.
Why does King County, Washington, require one form of ID to get a
concealed-carry permit, but two forms of ID to pay for the permit by
check? Making a mistake on a gun permit is an abstract problem, but a
bad check actually costs some department money.
In the decades before 9/11, why did the airlines fight every security
measure except the photo-ID check? Increased security annoys their
customers, but the photo-ID check solved a security problem of a
different kind: the resale of nonrefundable tickets. So the airlines
were on board for that one.
And why does the TSA confiscate liquids at airport security, on the off
chance that a terrorist will try to make a liquid explosive instead of
using the more common solid ones? Because the officials in charge of
the decision used CYA security measures to prevent specific, known
tactics rather than broad, general ones.
The same misplaced incentives explain the ongoing problem of innocent
prisoners spending years in places like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. The
solution might seem obvious: Release the innocent ones, keep the guilty
ones, and figure out whether the ones we aren't sure about are innocent
or guilty. But the incentives are more perverse than that. Who is
going to sign the order releasing one of those prisoners? Which
military officer is going to accept the risk, no matter how small, of
being wrong?
I read almost five years ago that prisoners were being held by the
United States far longer than they should, because "no one wanted to be
responsible for releasing the next Osama bin Laden." That incentive to
do nothing hasn't changed. It might have even gotten stronger, as these
innocents languish in prison.
In all these cases, the best way to change the trade-off is to change
the incentives. Look at why the Whole Foods case works. Store
employees don't have to apprehend shoplifters, because society created a
special organization specifically authorized to lay hands on people the
grocery store points to as shoplifters: the police. If we want more
rationality out of the TSA, there needs to be someone with a broader
perspective willing to deal with general threats rather than specific
targets or tactics.
For prisoners, society has created a special organization specifically
entrusted with the role of judging the evidence against them and
releasing them if appropriate: the judiciary. It's only because the
George W. Bush administration decided to remove the Guantanamo prisoners
from the legal system that we are now stuck with these perverse
incentives. Our country would be smart to move as many of these people
through the court system as we can.
This essay originally appeared on
Whole Foods incident:
King County ID checks:
Terrorists as liquid bombers:
CYA security:
The perverse incentives of holding terrorist suspects in custody:
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Privacy in the Age of Persistence
(Note: This isn't the first time I have written about this topic, and it
surely won't be the last. I think I did a particularly good job
summarizing the issues this time, which is why I am reprinting it.)
Welcome to the future, where everything about you is saved. A future
where your actions are recorded, your movements are tracked, and your
conversations are no longer ephemeral. A future brought to you not by
some 1984-like dystopia, but by the natural tendencies of computers to
produce data.
Data is the pollution of the information age. It's a natural byproduct
of every computer-mediated interaction. It stays around forever, unless
it's disposed of. It is valuable when reused, but it must be done
carefully. Otherwise, its after effects are toxic.
And just as 100 years ago people ignored pollution in our rush to build
the Industrial Age, today we're ignoring data in our rush to build the
Information Age.
Increasingly, you leave a trail of digital footprints throughout your
day. Once you walked into a bookstore and bought a book with cash. Now
you visit Amazon, and all of your browsing and purchases are recorded.
You used to buy a train ticket with coins; now your electronic fare card
is tied to your bank account. Your store affinity cards give you
discounts; merchants use the data on them to reveal detailed purchasing
Data about you is collected when you make a phone call, send an e-mail
message, use a credit card, or visit a website. A national ID card will
only exacerbate this.
More computerized systems are watching you. Cameras are ubiquitous in
some cities, and eventually face recognition technology will be able to
identify individuals. Automatic license plate scanners track vehicles in
parking lots and cities. Color printers, digital cameras, and some
photocopy machines have embedded identification codes. Aerial
surveillance is used by cities to find building permit violators and by
marketers to learn about home and garden size.
As RFID chips become more common, they'll be tracked, too. Already you
can be followed by your cell phone, even if you never make a call. This
is wholesale surveillance; not "follow that car," but "follow every car."
Computers are mediating conversation as well. Face-to-face conversations
are ephemeral. Years ago, telephone companies might have known who you
called and how long you talked, but not what you said. Today you chat in
e-mail, by text message, and on social networking sites. You blog and
you Twitter. These conversations -- with family, friends, and colleagues
-- can be recorded and stored.
It used to be too expensive to save this data, but computer memory is
now cheaper. Computer processing power is cheaper, too; more data is
cross-indexed and correlated, and then used for secondary purposes. What
was once ephemeral is now permanent.
Who collects and uses this data depends on local laws. In the US,
corporations collect, then buy and sell, much of this information for
marketing purposes. In Europe, governments collect more of it than
corporations. On both continents, law enforcement wants access to as
much of it as possible for both investigation and data mining.
Regardless of country, more organizations are collecting, storing, and
sharing more of it.
More is coming. Keyboard logging programs and devices can already record
everything you type; recording everything you say on your cell phone is
only a few years away.
A "life recorder" you can clip to your lapel that'll record everything
you see and hear isn't far behind. It'll be sold as a security device,
so that no one can attack you without being recorded. When that happens,
will not wearing a life recorder be used as evidence that someone is up
to no good, just as prosecutors today use the fact that someone left his
cell phone at home as evidence that he didn't want to be tracked?
You're living in a unique time in history: the technology is here, but
it's not yet seamless. Identification checks are common, but you still
have to show your ID. Soon it'll happen automatically, either by
remotely querying a chip in your wallets or by recognizing your face on
And all those cameras, now visible, will shrink to the point where you
won't even see them. Ephemeral conversation will all but disappear, and
you'll think it normal. Already your children live much more of their
lives in public than you do. Your future has no privacy, not because of
some police-state governmental tendencies or corporate malfeasance, but
because computers naturally produce data.
Cardinal Richelieu famously said: "If one would give me six lines
written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in
them to have him hanged." When all your words and actions can be saved
for later examination, different rules have to apply.
Society works precisely because conversation is ephemeral; because
people forget, and because people don't have to justify every word they
Conversation is not the same thing as correspondence. Words uttered in
haste over morning coffee, whether spoken in a coffee shop or thumbed on
a BlackBerry, are not official correspondence. A data pattern indicating
"terrorist tendencies" is no substitute for a real investigation. Being
constantly scrutinized undermines our social norms; furthermore, it's
creepy. Privacy isn't just about having something to hide; it's a basic
right that has enormous value to democracy, liberty, and our humanity.
We're not going to stop the march of technology, just as we cannot
un-invent the automobile or the coal furnace. We spent the industrial
age relying on fossil fuels that polluted our air and transformed our
climate. Now we are working to address the consequences. (While still
using said fossil fuels, of course.) This time around, maybe we can be a
little more proactive.
Just as we look back at the beginning of the previous century and shake
our heads at how people could ignore the pollution they caused, future
generations will look back at us -- living in the early decades of the
information age -- and judge our solutions to the proliferation of data.
We must, all of us together, start discussing this major societal change
and what it means. And we must work out a way to create a future that
our grandchildren will be proud of.
This essay originally appeared on the website.
National ID cards:
Surveillance cameras:
RFID chips:
Cell phone surveillance:
Wholesale surveillance:
Data mining:
The future of surveillance:
Face recognition:
Privacy and the younger generation:
Ill effects of constant surveillance:
The value of privacy:
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Uni-ball is using fear to sell its hard-to-erase pen -- but it's the
wrong fear. They're confusing check-washing fraud, where someone takes
a check and changes the payee and maybe the amount, with identity theft.
And how can someone steal money from me by erasing and changing
information on a tax form? Are they going to cause my refund check to
be sent to another address? This is getting awfully Byzantine.
Los Alamos has lost 80 computers: no idea if they're stolen, or just
misplaced. Typical story -- not even worth commenting on -- but this
great comment explains a lot about what was wrong with their security
policy: "The letter, addressed to Department of Energy security
officials, contends that 'cyber security issues were not engaged in a
timely manner' because the computer losses were treated as a 'property
management issue.'" The real risk in computer losses is the data, not
the hardware. I thought everyone knew that.
Difficult-to-pronounce things are judged to be more risky than
easy-to-pronounce things:
New paper: "WiFi networks and malware epidemiology," by Hao Hu, Steven
Myers, Vittoria Colizza, and Alessandro Vespignani. Honestly, I'm not
sure I understood most of the article. And I don't think that their
model is all that great. But I like to see these sorts of methods
applied to malware and infection rates.
HIPAA accountability in U.S. stimulus bill:
Terrorism common sense from MI6:
Here's an analysis of 30,000 passwords from
It's similar to my analysis of 34,000 MySpace passwords.
Seems like we still can't choose good passwords. Conficker.B exploits
this, trying about 200 common passwords to help spread itself.
Blog entry:
Evidence of the effectiveness of the "broken windows" theory of crime
The NSA wants help eavesdropping on Skype:
I'm sure this is a real problem. Here's an article claiming that
Italian criminals are using Skype more than the telephone because of
eavesdropping concerns.
A study from New Jersey shows that Megan's Law -- laws designed to
identity sex offenders to the communities they live in -- is ineffective
in reducing sex crimes or deterring recidivists.
Another Conficker variant: Conficker B++. This is one well-designed
piece of malware.
President Obama has tasked Melissa Hathaway with conducting a 60-day
review of the nation's cybersecurity policies.
This interview, conducted last year, will give you a good idea of how
she thinks.
Maine man tries to build a dirty bomb and no one cares, probably because
he isn't Muslim. White supremacist terrorism just isn't sexy these days.
There are rumors of prototype electromagnetic pulse grenades:
TrapCall is a new service that reveals the caller ID on anonymous or
blocked calls.
Judge orders defendant to decrypt laptop: interesting Fifth Amendment case.
Use this shower mirror with a hidden camera to catch the lovers of
cheating spouses:
The site has a wide variety of hidden cameras in common household objects.
University of Miami law professor Michael Froomkin writes about ID cards
and society in "Identity Cards and Identity Romanticism."
This commentary on the UK government national security strategy is
scary: "Sir David Omand, the former Whitehall security and intelligence
co-ordinator, sets out a blueprint for the way the state will mine data
-- including travel information, phone records and emails -- held by
public and private bodies and admits: 'Finding out other people's
secrets is going to involve breaking everyday moral rules.'" In short:
it's immoral, but we're going to do it anyway.
Programs "staple" and "unstaple" perform all-or-nothing encryption.
Just demonstration code, but interesting all the same.
Interesting paper: "Optimised to Fail: Card Readers for Online Banking,"
by Saar Drimer, Steven J. Murdoch, and Ross Anderson.
I'm sure you need some skill to actually use this self-defense pen, and
I'm also sure it'll get through airport security checkpoints just fine.
This article gives an overview of U.S. military robots, and discusses
some of the issues regarding the ethics of their use in war.
The article was adapted from his book Wired for War: The Robotics
Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, published this year. I
bought the book, but I have not read it yet. Related is this paper on
the ethics of autonomous military robots.
Blog entry:
Secret NATO documents about the war in Afghanistan leaked due to bad
Security theater scare mongering, in hotels and churches:
Fascinating history of the techniques used to distribute child porn
throughout the world:
Google Maps spam:
This story of the world's largest diamond heist reads like a movie plot:
Many Sentex keypads, which are used to secure doors everywhere, can be
opened with a default admin password:
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Rajendrasinh Makwana was a UNIX contractor for Fannie Mae. On October
24, he was fired. Before he left, he slipped a logic bomb into the
organization's network. The bomb would have "detonated" on January 31.
It was programmed to disable access to the server on which it was
running, block any network monitoring software, systematically and
irretrievably erase everything -- and then replicate itself on all 4,000
Fannie Mae servers. Court papers claim the damage would have been in
the millions of dollars, a number that seems low. Fannie Mae would have
been shut down for at least a week.
Luckily -- and it does seem it was pure luck -- another programmer
discovered the script a week later, and disabled it.
Insiders are a perennial problem. They have access, and they're known
by the system. They know how the system and its security works, and its
weak points. They have opportunity. Bank heists, casino thefts,
large-scale corporate fraud, train robberies: many of the most
impressive criminal attacks involve insiders. And, like Makwana's
attempt at revenge, these insiders can have pretty intense motives --
motives that can only intensify as the economy continues to suffer and
layoffs increase.
Insiders are especially pernicious attackers because they're trusted.
They have access because they're *supposed* to have access. They have
opportunity, and an understanding of the system, because they use it --
or they designed, built, or installed it. They're already inside the
security system, making them much harder to defend against.
It's not possible to design a system without trusted people. They're
everywhere. In offices, employees are trusted people given access to
facilities and resources, and allowed to act -- sometimes broadly,
sometimes narrowly -- in the company's name. In stores, employees are
allowed access to the back room and the cash register; and customers are
trusted to walk into the store and touch the merchandise. IRS employees
are trusted with personal tax information; hospital employees are
trusted with personal health information. Banks, airports, and prisons
couldn't operate without trusted people.
Replacing trusted people with computers doesn't make the problem go
away; it just moves it around and makes it even more complex. The
computer, software, and network designers, implementers, coders,
installers, maintainers, etc. are all trusted people. See any analysis
of the security of electronic voting machines, or some of the frauds
perpetrated against computerized gambling machines, for some graphic
examples of the risks inherent in replacing people with computers.
Of course, this problem is much, much older than computers. And the
solutions haven't changed much throughout history, either. There are
five basic techniques to deal with trusted people:
1. Limit the number of trusted people. This one is obvious. The fewer
people who have root access to the computer system, know the combination
to the safe, or have the authority to sign checks, the more secure the
system is.
2. Ensure that trusted people are also trustworthy. This is the idea
behind background checks, lie detector tests, personality profiling,
prohibiting convicted felons from getting certain jobs, limiting other
jobs to citizens, the TSA's no-fly list, and so on, as well as behind
bonding employees, which means there are deep pockets standing behind
them if they turn out not to be trustworthy.
3. Limit the amount of trust each person has. This is
compartmentalization; the idea here is to limit the amount of damage a
person can do if he ends up not being trustworthy. This is the concept
behind giving people keys that only unlock their office or passwords
that only unlock their account, as well as "need to know" and other
levels of security clearance.
4. Give people overlapping spheres of trust. This is what security
professionals call defense in depth. It's why it takes two people with
two separate keys to launch nuclear missiles, and two signatures on
corporate checks over a certain value. It's the idea behind bank
tellers requiring management overrides for high-value transactions,
double-entry bookkeeping, and all those guards and cameras at casinos.
It's why, when you go to a movie theater, one person sells you a ticket
and another person standing a few yards away tears it in half: It makes
it much harder for one employee to defraud the system. It's why key
bank employees need to take their two-week vacations all at once -- so
their replacements have a chance to uncover any fraud.
5. Detect breaches of trust after the fact and prosecute the guilty.
In the end, the four previous techniques can only do so well. Trusted
people can subvert a system. Most of the time, we discover the security
breach after the fact and then punish the perpetrator through the legal
system: publicly, so as to provide a deterrence effect and increase the
overall level of security in society. This is why audit is so vital.
These security techniques don't only protect against fraud or sabotage;
they protect against the more common problem: mistakes. Trusted people
aren't perfect; they can inadvertently cause damage. They can make a
mistake, or they can be tricked into making a mistake through social
Good security systems use multiple measures, all working together.
Fannie Mae certainly limits the number of people who have the ability to
slip malicious scripts into their computer systems, and certainly limits
the access that most of these people have. It probably has a hiring
process that makes it less likely that malicious people come to work at
Fannie Mae. It obviously doesn't have an audit process by which a
change one person makes on the servers is checked by someone else; I'm
sure that would be prohibitively expensive. Certainly the company's IT
department should have terminated Makwana's network access as soon as he
was fired, and not at the end of the day.
In the end, systems will always have trusted people who can subvert
them. It's important to keep in mind that incidents like this don't
happen very often; that most people are honest and honorable. Security
is very much designed to protect against the dishonest minority. And
often little things -- like disabling access immediately upon
termination -- can go a long way.
This essay originally appeared on the Wall Street Journal website.
Economic downturn increases insider threat:
Hospital employees illegally accessing patient data:
Insecurity in electronic voting machines:
Computerized gambling machine fraud:
Replacing people with computers:
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The Doghouse: Singularics
This is priceless:
"Our advances in Prime Number Theory have led to a new branch of
mathematics called Neutronics. Neutronic functions make possible for the
first time the ability to analyze regions of mathematics commonly
thought to be undefined, such as the point where one is divided by zero.
In short, we have developed a new way to analyze the undefined point at
the singularity which appears throughout higher mathematics.
"This new analytic technique has given us profound insight into the way
that prime numbers are distributed throughout the integers. According to
RSA's website, there are over 1 billion licensed instances of RSA
public-key encryption in use in the world today. Each of these instances
of the prime number based RSA algorithm can now be deciphered using
Neutronic analysis. Unlike RSA, Neutronic Encryption is not based on two
large prime numbers but rather on the Neutronic forces that govern the
distribution of the primes themselves. The encryption that results from
Singularic's Neutronic public-key algorithm is theoretically impossible
to break."
You'd think that anyone who claims to be able to decrypt RSA at the key
lengths in use today would, maybe, um, demonstrate that at least once.
Otherwise, this can all be safely ignored as snake oil.
The founder and CTO also claims to have proved the Riemann Hypothesis,
if you care to wade through the 63-page paper.
Snake oil:
Riemann Hypothesis "proof":
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Three Security Anecdotes from the Insect World
Beet armyworm caterpillars react to the sound of a passing wasp by
freezing in place, or even dropping off the plant. Unfortunately,
armyworm intelligence isn't good enough to tell the difference between
enemy aircraft (the wasps that prey on them) and harmless commercial
flights (bees); they react the same way to either. So by producing
nectar for bees, plants not only get pollinated, but also gain some
protection against being eaten by caterpillars.
The small hive beetle lives by entering beehives to steal combs and
honey. They home in on the hives by detecting the bees' own alarm
pheromones. They also track in yeast that ferments the pollen and
releases chemicals that spoof the alarm pheromones, attracting more
beetles and more yeast. Eventually the bees abandon the hive, leaving
the beetles and yeast to finish off the pollen and honey.
Mountain alcon blue caterpillars get ants to feed them by spoofing a
biometric: the sounds made by the queen ant.
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The Kindness of Strangers
When I was growing up, children were commonly taught: "don't talk to
strangers." Strangers might be bad, we were told, so it's prudent to
steer clear of them.
And yet most people are honest, kind, and generous, especially when
someone asks them for help. If a small child is in trouble, the
smartest thing he can do is find a nice-looking stranger and talk to him.
These two pieces of advice may seem to contradict each other, but they
don't. The difference is that in the second instance, the child is
choosing which stranger to talk to. Given that the overwhelming majority
of people will help, the child is likely to get help if he chooses a
random stranger. But if a stranger comes up to a child and talks to him
or her, it's not a random choice. It's more likely, although still
unlikely, that the stranger is up to no good.
As a species, we tend help each other, and a surprising amount of our
security and safety comes from the kindness of strangers. During
disasters: floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, bridge collapses. In times
of personal tragedy. And even in normal times.
If you're sitting in a café working on your laptop and need to get up
for a minute, ask the person sitting next to you to watch your stuff.
He's very unlikely to steal anything. Or, if you're nervous about that,
ask the three people sitting around you. Those three people don't know
each other, and will not only watch your stuff, but they'll also watch
each other to make sure no one steals anything.
Again, this works because you're selecting the people. If three people
walk up to you in the cafe and offer to watch your computer while you go
to the bathroom, don't take them up on that offer. Your odds of getting
three honest people are much lower.
Some computer systems rely on the kindness of strangers, too. The
Internet works because nodes benevolently forward packets to each other
without any recompense from either the sender or receiver of those
packets. Wikipedia works because strangers are willing to write for, and
edit, an encyclopedia with no recompense.
Collaborative spam filtering is another example. Basically, once someone
notices a particular e-mail is spam, he marks it, and everyone else in
the network is alerted that it's spam. Marking the e-mail is a
completely altruistic task; the person doing it gets no benefit from the
action. But he receives benefit from everyone else doing it for other
Tor is a system for anonymous Web browsing. The details are complicated,
but basically, a network of Tor servers passes Web traffic among each
other in such a way as to anonymize where it came from. Think of it as a
giant shell game. As a Web surfer, I put my Web query inside a shell and
send it to a random Tor server. That server knows who I am but not what
I am doing. It passes that shell to another Tor server, which passes it
to a third. That third server -- which knows what I am doing but not who
I am -- processes the Web query. When the Web page comes back to that
third server, the process reverses itself and I get my Web page.
Assuming enough Web surfers are sending enough shells through the
system, even someone eavesdropping on the entire network can't figure
out what I'm doing.
It's a very clever system, and it protects a lot of people, including
journalists, human rights activists, whistleblowers, and ordinary people
living in repressive regimes around the world. But it only works because
of the kindness of strangers. No one gets any benefit from being a Tor
server; it uses up bandwidth to forward other people's packets around.
It's more efficient to be a Tor client and use the forwarding
capabilities of others. But if there are no Tor servers, then there's no
Tor. Tor works because people are willing to set themselves up as
servers, at no benefit to them.
Alibi clubs work along similar lines. You can find them on the Internet,
and they're loose collections of people willing to help each other out
with alibis. Sign up, and you're in. You can ask someone to pretend to
be your doctor and call your boss. Or someone to pretend to be your boss
and call your spouse. Or maybe someone to pretend to be your spouse and
call your boss. Whatever you want, just ask and some anonymous stranger
will come to your rescue. And because your accomplice is an anonymous
stranger, it's safer than asking a friend to participate in your ruse.
There are risks in these sorts of systems. Regularly, marketers and
other people with agendas try to manipulate Wikipedia entries to suit
their interests. Intelligence agencies can, and almost certainly have,
set themselves up as Tor servers to better eavesdrop on traffic. And a
do-gooder could join an alibi club just to expose other members. But for
the most part, strangers are willing to help each other, and systems
that harvest this kindness work very well on the Internet.
This essay originally appeared on the Wall Street Journal website.
Alibi clubs:
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New eBay Fraud
Here's a clever fraud, exploiting relative delays in eBay, PayPal, and
UPS shipping.
"The buyer reported the item as 'destroyed' and demanded and got a
refund from Paypal. When the buyer shipped it back to Chad and he opened
it, he found there was nothing wrong with it -- except that the scammer
had removed the memory, processor and hard drive. Now Chad is out $500
and left with a shell of a computer, and since the item was 'received'
Paypal won't do anything."
Very clever. The seller accepted the return from UPS after a visual
inspection, so UPS considered the matter closed. PayPal and eBay both
considered the matter closed. if the amount was large enough, the
seller could sue, but how could he prove that the computer was
functional when he sold it?
It seems to me that the only way to solve this is for PayPal to not
process refunds until the seller confirms what he received back is the
same as what he shipped. Yes, then the seller could commit similar
fraud, but sellers (certainly professional ones) have a greater
reputational risk.
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Schneier News
Schneier is speaking at MinneWebCon on April 6 in Minneapolis.
Schneier is speaking at the 3rd Annual Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior
National Security Officers (APPSNO) on April 14 in Singapore.
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IT Security: Blaming the Victim
Blaming the victim is common in IT: users are to blame because they
don't patch their systems, choose lousy passwords, fall for phishing
attacks, and so on. But, while users are, and will continue to be, a
major source of security problems, focusing on them is an unhelpful way
to think.
People regularly don't do things they are supposed to: changing the oil
in their cars, going to the dentist, replacing the batteries in their
smoke detectors. Why? Because people learn from experience. If something
is immediately harmful, e.g., touching a hot stove or petting a live
tiger, they quickly learn not to do it. But if someone skips an oil
change, ignores a computer patch, or chooses a lousy password, it's
unlikely to matter. No feedback, no learning.
We've tried to solve this in several ways. We give people rules of
thumb: oil change every 5,000 miles; secure password guidelines. Or we
send notifications: smoke alarms beep at us, dentists send postcards,
Google warns us if we are about to visit a website suspected of hosting
malware. But, again, the effects of ignoring these aren't generally felt
This makes security primarily a hindrance to the user. It's a recurring
obstacle: something that interferes with the seamless performance of the
user's task. And it's human nature, wired into our reasoning skills, to
remove recurring obstacles. So, if the consequences of bypassing
security aren't obvious, then people will naturally do it.
This is the problem with Microsoft's User Account Control (UAC).
Introduced in Vista, the idea is to improve security by limiting the
privileges applications have when they're running. But the security
prompts pop up too frequently, and there's rarely any ill-effect from
ignoring them. So people do ignore them.
This doesn't mean user education is worthless. On the contrary, user
education is an important part of any corporate security program. And at
home, the more users understand security threats and hacker tactics, the
more secure their systems are likely to be. But we should also recognise
the limitations of education.
The solution is to better design security systems that assume uneducated
users: to prevent them from changing security settings that would leave
them exposed to undue risk, or even better to take security out of their
hands entirely.
For example, we all know that backups are a good thing. But if you
forget to do a backup this week, nothing terrible happens. In fact,
nothing terrible happens for years on end when you forget. So, despite
what you know, you start believing that backups aren't really that
important. Apple got the solution right with its backup utility Time
Machine. Install it, plug in an external hard drive, and you are
automatically backed up against hardware failure and human error. It's
easier to use it than not.
For its part, Microsoft has made great strides in securing its operating
system, providing default security settings in Windows XP and even more
in Windows Vista to ensure that, when a naive user plugs a computer in,
it's not defenceless.
Unfortunately, blaming the user can be good business. Mobile phone
companies save money if they can bill their customers when a calling
card number is stolen and used fraudulently. British banks save money by
blaming users when they are victims of chip-and-pin fraud. This is
continuing, with some banks going so far as to accuse the victim of
perpetrating the fraud, despite evidence of large-scale fraud by
organised crime syndicates.
The legal system needs to fix the business problems, but system
designers need to work on the technical problems. They must accept that
security systems that require the user to do the right thing are doomed
to fail. And then they must design resilient security nevertheless.
This essay originally appeared in The Guardian.
Users are a problem:
Lousy passwords:
Choosing good passwords:
Microsoft's UAC problems:
The limits of education:
Blaming the user:
Large-scale chip-and-pin fraud:
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Balancing Security and Usability in Authentication
Since January, the Conficker.B worm has been spreading like wildfire
across the Internet: infecting the French Navy, hospitals in Sheffield,
the court system in Houston, and millions of computers worldwide. One
of the ways it spreads is by cracking administrator passwords on
networks. Which leads to the important question: Why in the world are
IT administrators still using easy-to-guess passwords?
Computer authentication systems have two basic requirements. They need
to keep the bad guys from accessing your account, and they need to allow
you to access your account. Both are important, and every
authentication system is a balancing act between the two. Too little
security, and the bad guys will get in too easily. But if the
authentication system is too complicated, restrictive, or hard to use,
you won't be able to -- or won't bother to -- use it.
Passwords are the most common authentication system, and a good place to
start. They're very easy to implement and use, which is why they're so
popular. But as computers have become faster, password guessing has
become easier. Most people don't choose passwords that are complicated
enough to remain secure against modern password-guessing attacks.
Conficker.B is even less clever; it just tries a list of about 200
common passwords.
To combat password guessing, many systems force users to choose
harder-to-guess passwords -- requiring minimum lengths, non
alpha-numeric characters, etc. -- and change their passwords more
frequently. The first makes guessing harder, and the second makes a
guessed password less valuable. This, of course, makes the system more
annoying, so users respond by writing their passwords down and taping
them to their monitors, or simply forgetting them more often. Smarter
users write them down and put them in their wallets, or use a secure
password database like Password Safe.
Users forgetting their passwords can be expensive -- sysadmins or
customer service reps have to field phone calls and reset password -- so
some systems include a backup authentication system: a secret question.
The idea is that if you forget your password, you can authenticate
yourself with some personal information that only you know. Your
mother's maiden name was traditional, but these days there are all sorts
of secret questions: your favourite schoolteacher, favourite colour,
street you grew up on, name of your first pet, and so on. This might
make the system more usable, but it also makes it much less secure:
answers can be easily guessable, and are often known by people close to you.
A common enhancement is a one-time password generator, like a SecurID
token. This is a small device with a screen that displays a password
that changes automatically once a minute. Adding this is called
two-factor authentication, and is much more secure, because this token
-- "something you have" -- is combined with a password -- "something you
know." But it's less usable, because the tokens have to be purchased
and distributed to all users, and far too often it's "something you lost
or forgot." And it costs money. Tokens are far more frequently used in
corporate environments, but banks and some online gaming worlds have
taken to using them -- sometimes only as an option, because people don't
like them.
In most cases, how an authentication system works when a legitimate user
tries to log on is much more important than how it works when an
impostor tries to log on. No security system is perfect, and there is
some level of fraud associated with any of these authentication methods.
But the instances of fraud are rare compared to the number of times
someone tries to log on legitimately. If a given authentication system
let the bad guys in one in a hundred times, a bank could decide to live
with the problem -- or try to solve it in some other way. But if the
same authentication system prevented legitimate customers from logging
on even one in a thousand times, the number of complaints would be
enormous and the system wouldn't survive one week.
Balancing security and usability is hard, and many organizations get it
wrong. But it's also evolving; organizations needing to tighten their
security continue to push more involved authentication methods, and more
savvy Internet users are willing to accept them. And certainly IT
administrators need to be leading that evolutionary change.
A version of this essay was originally published in The Guardian.
Guessing passwords:
Password Safe:
Security problems with secret questions:
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Sunday, 15 March 2009
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Britannia Radio