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Breaking Tax Season Alert: Big Government Scheming Congress and the White House are committed to a "Stealth Tax" that could kill off 2.65 million American jobs and pick your pocket for as much as $244 every month. Follow my plan, get your $2,927 back... and then turn it into $63,359. Don't Get Mad... Get Paid But you need to act NOW: Congress could act on the "Stealth Tax" as early as April 2 Dear Over-burdened American: The politicians are wasting no time. And your hard-earned wealth is at risk. No matter what your income is. Sure, the new president talks a great game about no tax increases for the "middle class." But right now, he and Congressional leaders from both parties are in cahoots with environmental extremists. They're hatching a diabolical plan. A "Stealth Tax," you might say. It won't raise a single tax rate. But it could yank an average $2,927 out of your pocket every year. How will you feel $2,927 poorer? Like this: And it's not just energy costs. The cost of everything else you buy goes up too... because it takes energy to make it and transport it. Add it all up, it could reach as high as $2,927, straight out of your pocket. But that's just the average. It might be even worse for you. How bad could it be? I'll show you. Look below, where I've included a state-by-state chart... so you can find out how hard it could hit where you live. Now I don't know well-heeled you are. Or how big a bite that would take out of your lifestyle. But as far as I'm concerned, any more money that we fork over for Washington, D.C.'s idiocy is outrageous. And I bet you think so too. So you face a decision: You could fork over as much as $2,927 to Washington, D.C. every year, from now until forever, and just accept it. Or you can take proactive steps that could recover every penny. And then turn it into as much as $63,359. Just know this: The "Stealth Tax" is nearly a done deal... thanks to years of pushing and prodding by environmental extremists. Obama's behind this money grab all the way. "Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response," he said in November. Congressional leaders are behind this "Stealth Tax," too. In fact, Democrats just removed the one committee chairman who would have stood in the way — and replaced him with an environmental zealot. Point is, there are just too many powerful forces in play to stop the "Stealth Tax." But here's an even more important point: You can take steps today to protect your hard-earned wealth from what's coming. Today you could bullet-proof your balance sheet from what's on the way... and even turn that $2,927 loss into a $63,359 gain. You could make your money back 21 times over. But first, you need to know exactly what Washington has in mind. And how it could turn the worst recession of our lifetime into the next depression. How Politicians Want to Turn This Recession Into the Next Great Depression Here's what really chaps me about this "Stealth Tax." Here we are in the worst financial crisis since the Depression. And they're talking about a massive, behind-your-back tax increase. Even worse, this tax increase could... In short, what's already the worst recession in decades would be certain to turn into the next Great Depression. All of it because of a sneaky tax increase that Congress doesn't even have the honesty to call by its proper name. I'm not pulling those numbers out of my rear end, by the way. I have a stack of four studies here on my desk. Each was done independently, so the numbers vary a bit. But every one of them reaches the same conclusion: This "Stealth Tax" will absolutely crater what's left of the U.S. economy. Factories closed forever. Millions of people jobless. Gasoline unaffordable. And as much as $2,927 of your annual income, sucked out of your pocket every year. And yet... while fortunes will be lost during this meltdown, even greater fortunes will be made. I'll show you exactly where they could be made... and where you could grab your share. Look, there's no stopping this train. The "Stealth Tax" is coming as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Washington will seize a portion of your wealth to make this happen. Perhaps as early as April 2. And they'll do it without raising a penny of income tax, Social Security tax, gasoline tax, or any other tax. That's what's so devious, so disgusting. That's what makes it a "Stealth Tax." So you need a plan to recover the wealth they'll steal from you. And then multiply what you've recovered. As much as 21 times over. I'll show you exactly how you could do this... once I lay out the details of what the politicians have planned. Because only then will you know just how dire this situation is. How the Environmental Extremists Are Look, I don't know how you feel about global warming. I'm not here to preach either side of the argument. This isn't about whether the earth is getting warmer. Or whether humans are responsible for it. This is about a group of EnviroNazis who think they're the only ones who have a solution. They've had this "Stealth Tax" in the works for over a decade. Maybe you've heard of their scheme by another name. They innocently call it "cap and trade." But the gist of it is this. Washington will dictate to nearly every American business how much carbon dioxide it's allowed to generate. Big government will put a "cap" on everyone's greenhouse gas emissions. Even if you believe the earth is getting warmer and humans are responsible for it, there's got to be a better way of fighting it than this. But this is what the EnviroNazis want. And now, it's what they're going to get. This isn't something dreamed up by a think tank that hasn't been put into legislation yet. This was something that actually reached the floor of the Senate during 2008. Republican opposition stopped it that time. But now Democrats have bigger majorities in both houses of Congress. And many Republicans support the "Stealth Tax" too. One of them co-sponsored the bill. And on the campaign trail, John McCain spoke up for it just as much as Barack Obama. And now, one of the last lines of defense against this bill has just been wiped out. The Last Line of Defense Against the For three decades, the top-dog Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee was a Congressman from Detroit, John Dingell. He knew the "Stealth Tax" would kill the auto industry and he fought it big-time. Guess what just happened? House Democrats kicked Dingell out and replaced him. Who's his replacement? The king of EnviroNazis himself, California's Henry Waxman. The New York Times calls Waxman "the darling of environmentalists and the liberal wing of the party." As soon as he won the post, he said. "We have a new opportunity that maybe comes only once in a generation." And believe me, he and the rest of the EnviroNazis will make the most of it. And it's no better in the Senate. Who's the chairman of the Senate Energy Committee? Another EnviroNazi from California, Barbara Boxer. They don't care that their schemes will send gas prices back into the stratosphere. They don't care if their "Stealth Tax" costs you as much as $2,927 every year — or more. All they care about is enacting their extremist taxation schemes. And here's the kicker. Some of the biggest businesses in America are lining up behind the "Stealth Tax." Nike, Starbucks, Levi Strauss, Sun Microsystems. They've formed a coalition to lobby for cap-and-trade. If major U.S. businesses support the "Stealth Tax," I don't know who's going to stop it. And you have very little time to prepare for as much as a $2,927 annual hit to your income. In fact, you need to start making plans today. Even if you're still trying to get your 2008 tax returns in order for the April 15 deadline. Let me tell you why Congress could act as early as April 2. Why the "Stealth Tax" Could Be In the next few days — probably no later than April 2 — the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to make a big announcement. The EPA will likely declare it has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide — "greenhouse gases" — the same way it regulates air pollution under the Clean Air Act of 1970. This would be huge. It would give this one agency sweeping powers over "transportation, manufacturing costs and how utilities generate power," according to the New York Times. And more importantly, according to the paper, "it could accelerate the progress of energy and climate change legislation in Congress." Legislation including, of course, the "Stealth Tax." Why April 2? It's the second anniversary of a Supreme Court ruling that ordered the EPA to decide whether carbon dioxide is a form of pollution. And with Obama's commitment to the "Stealth Tax" already in place... there's no mystery how the EPA will decide. It's this simple. Cap-and-trade is coming. The "Stealth Tax" is coming. You need to prepare yourself. |
Saturday, 21 March 2009
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Britannia Radio