Saturday, 21 March 2009

Demystifying The Meltdown
Jim Kirwan

This is the top of an eternal hourglass within which most of the major cities of the world exist. It's also the missing key ingredient in understanding the total sham on which the worldwide financial meltdown is based.
The whole nightmare was actually test marketed long ago under LBJ's Great Society, compounded by his War on Poverty; both of which were colossal failures that left a lot of a residue to build on; so that by the time we got to Reagan the ground had already been sufficiently pulverized to accept outrageous and unconstitutional thought as a part of American society. (1)
The financial community loves formulas, because they can make it seem as if they actually know what they're talking about. In this case such a formula might be: R+41+42+43=44. That would be R for Reagan Economics, plus GWH Bush, plus Clinton, plus Bush Jr. equals Obamanation Inc.
What these professional con-artists, masquerading as presidents, brought us was a complete reversal of the functioning and independent world, wherein most states were self-sufficient and semi-independent: Until the close of WW II. That was the point when the Kissinger's and the Brzezinski's began to concentrate on constructing their own self-serving little chess-boards that would cripple the world's smallest countries and tie the rest of the major nations into this obscenity that they refer to now as The New World Order.
Their methods were as ruthless as their lies were unending. The way it worked was simple. Nations were approached as to how they might cash in on this New World Order, economically. First they had to cease trying to remain self-sufficient, and they needed to invest heavily, in some huge crops or exports that would allow them to pay for all the stuff they no longer could do for themselves. Then 'everything' would even-out in the long run, and they could end up being much richer than they were back when they were merely self- sufficient.
Of course to participate in this grand-charade, the targeted nation- states would need to borrow great deal of money  from either the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank, so they could take full advantage of their premiere position in their new category within this global trading scheme. That would be allowed to work for awhile, unless the upstart country actually wanted to care about its citizens and maybe allow them to make a living wage: If that happened, then it was simple matter to end their exclusivity in the marketplace and to re-introduce the new loans that would be needed to replace the industry or trade which they had lost, because their people were demanding the right to live.
As more and more nation-states began to fail; the West became more brutal and resorted to military or hostile-economic takeovers, from which the smaller countries could not recover. As this got nastier, the NWO recreated itself; or rather they recast the masks they had been wearing, and created a whole new template called "Free Trade." It was the successful global-push for the acceptance of these Free-Trade-Agreements that created the formula mentioned above. With these Draconian agreements firmly in place there were no longer any local laws that had the power to resist these international Banksters and the criminal military-forces they sponsored. GATT, NAFTA, and all the other totally bogus criminal contracts that came from these 'agreements' were more like "unconditional-surrender" than the so-called agreements which they had forced so many countries into. What we're witnessing now is the final act in this international house-of-horrors that has seen the absorbsion of so very many people's, and their dreams, that it becomes nearly unspeakable to even contemplate the scale upon which this massive but international-criminal-fraud was played out.
That was the background. Fast-forward to the present. We have so many total failures staring us straight in the face that most people choose to simply fail to notice the wars, the conflict-of human interests versus the mandates of unchecked Capitalism in full roar as our societies descend into oblivion like so many butterflies bolted to the gleaming bullets of Empire as they rip this world apart. Nation after nation, country after country has come to feel the wrath of raw power and the rage of greed unbounded as they grab everything they can in their mad race back, to days of the caves, with no regard for the cost to the planet or to any people other than themselves.
Specifically: In the case of the lying money-managers and the particular politicians who together have attempted to cloak everything they've done in the last six months in a cesspool of criminal violence whose goal has been the total collapse of the Banking System worldwide; after which, they can then come back in and pick up whatever they want for tenths of a penny on the dollar. These creatures actually believe that they will survive the Meltdown, incredible as that might seem to you or me.
Here's the proof of what they're doing. For almost six decades they have been tinkering on the edges with capital (our money). They have dared to call themselves "investors," when they never take a single risk. These creatures are not businessmen and women, far from it, they are nothing but Vulture-Capitalists who risk nothing and demand deal-breaking returns on their stingily dispensed funds. The end result is they end up eating those that turned to them for help, while they shred the companies and enterprises that they once claimed to covet. In the meanwhile, since 1973 real wages have been going backwards: Owners and managers of these massive corporations now make 400 times as much as do those people who supposedly work for them: Globally these very few US 'owners' of business now own 32% of all the world's wealth.
While this has been continuing the US has lost its manufacturing bases, its factories, its creativity and its individuality. There was a time when people were wiling and able to go to a school of their choice, or enter an apprenticeship to become someone they wanted to be. Now people are so starved for work they will do virtually anything just to stay alive. "Personal Careers" are as dead as the idea of that, which died when the Corporations began to develop Corporate Welfare back in the early 1950's. There are no longer occupations or professions that are entered into for anything much besides "the money." Of course there are exceptions, but the irony is that things were once exactly the other way around: Occasionally someone was interested 'only in the money,' but now it is a rare person indeed that does what they do because they actually want to do that job or practice that avocation.
With that circumstance in mind, try and picture what's happened now, in the global meltdown. At the top, behind the triple-locked doors of their privatized havens the monkeys of the money-markets ply their scams and plead their tattered constructs as if they knew anything at all about what they say they're saying. A trillion more here, $3 trillion more over there as they try hopelessly to manage the entire economy by fooling around with the numbers, interest rates and continuing to lie about all the results. Of course this can never work-because people who do not have jobs cannot spend money-hence their whole house of cards will have to collapse, and very quickly!
It's not about "loosening the credit" or much of anything else: It's about a way of life that is dead and gone. That past- time involved real jobs and a lot of personal autonomy, pride and optimism as well. Now we find ourselves dealing with a rogue government that is demanding control over every single aspect of every single life in this country; while they are looting our bank accounts, destroying our retirement capabilities, and condemning us all to unending labor just to stay alive without any health-care, or any remote possibility of ever being able to alter any of this criminal-fraud at any level. We have no decent jobs and now we have even less of a future than we did under Junior Bush.
Without jobs there is no "public," there are only Owners and their slaves. Without the Constitution there is no Republic, no consent of the governed, and definitely no cessation of this tyranny in which too many of us are now trying to live. Tent cities have sprung up everywhere, businesses are failing right and left along with major newspapers and yet the media keeps using words like housing slump, or credit crunch, as if this multi-year nightmare was just a hiccup that will be gone by morning. (2)
Look at these people, these refugees from the Corporatocracy of Criminal Enterprises worldwide, because this is what breeds absolutely bone-crushing poverty and disillusionment on a global- scale: This will not change, except to deepen, unless we demand our freedoms and create some real jobs outside this government's grasp. That can be done by people that believe in who they are, and who are willing to call these bastards on what they are, whenever we encounter 'them.'
1) The Great Society & The War on Poverty
2) Obama's Moment is Passing Quickly