Duly Noted: Robin Hood Apprenticeship

George Handlery about the week that was. The People’s Democracy of Starvation challenges the world. The “Butcher-in-Chief” is safe. Trivialities about the serious “ethno-business” ailment. Robin Hood apprenticeship. Minority vs. majority: who may terrorize whom? What if the government is unable or unwilling to protect its people?
1. The end of the world or a new beginning by exploiting old tricks. North Korea is about to launch a satellite. It is suspected to be an intercontinental missile. The country is on war footing. Pyongyang threatens: shooting down its rocket is an act of war. Messing with mighty North Korea leads to the assured total destruction of her enemy. The policy behind the story of this dictatorial spasm of temper (aid agencies: please send tranquilizers!) might make political-propagandistic sense.
One possible scenario is that the test becomes a success. That gives an opportunity to boast that Baby Kim can “go it alone”. It would also be construed to support the claim that, non-interference proves how scared and impressed the envious warmongers were. The triumph will be followed by demands for money, energy, food and most of all, “respect” to complete the display cabinet. Now to the second scenario. Assume that the test fails. In this case, there is a perfect cover up for the malfunction. Propaganda will spin the reverse as confirmation that, indeed, “enemy” interference is responsible. Thereafter Kim The Lesser could play the role of the dove of peace and save the world from the nuclear havoc, he threatened to bring about. A fat bribe will be demanded – there are inclined spenders around – and, internally, the sum so extorted will be labeled as a “compensation” for sins committed. During the process, Kim will thunder loudly and then, ultimately, desist mercifully from attacking the world. In both cases – demonstrating more the weakness of his opposites than his own strength – the “Dear Leader” will have scored. (Just as he did in his last suspense-laden election. He got 100% of the vote in his district with a participation of 100%. Such a performance must make Blago of Chicago salivate in envy.)
2. Now, on to another genocidical criminal against humanity. Let us talk about Sudan’s “Butcher-in-Chief”, Bashir.. The International Court in The Hague has indicted him. The court has also issued an arrest warrant. Russia is not enthusiastic. China demands that the Court stop its proceedings. Acting means “interference in internal matters”. Actually, primarily, Peking does not want to protect Bashir. The Chi-reds are protecting themselves. To get the point, replace Sudan/Darfur with PRC/Tibet. Equally unsurprising is that the African Union is also concerned by the indictment. As Kenya put it, it is “improper” to charge a “President in office”. The principle is certain to get the full support of all third world Presidents in office. This means many votes in the General Assembly of the UN. That is the organ supposed to be the protector of human rights and independence.
Items 3 - 6 might, except for some of the names, sound rather familiar. The material presented because of the generalization that appears to be imbedded.
3. The Roma in Hungary demand that their votes be counted so that they constitute separate districts. That way they could elect more of their own. While insisting on this ethnocentric approach to attain added significance, they also demand that any talk of Gypsy criminality be prohibited.
4. Radical Gypsies demand that the identity of Gypsies is not to be mentioned when crimes are reported. At the same time, this trait is to be emphasized in case the victim qualifies as a Gypsy. (Gypsy-on-gypsy crime, being apt to fuel racism, is totally exempted.)
5. You are not helping disadvantaged minorities by giving them money to continue to live their accustomed way of life. This is harmful. At least in those instances when that protected way of life has components that make separation in poverty into an inevitable outcome.
6. Meanwhile a Gypsy representative made a discovery that would earn him the adjective “racist” – if only he would not already enjoy victim status. He concluded, “Most of our problems” are caused by our liberal friends. They create tensions (by subsidizing forms of existence that lead to abuses) which cause uproars. At that state, they descend to us as haloed protectors of minority rights. Those “professional Roma” that manage the lucrative and state-financed “ethno-business” will then assist by crying wolf. With that, the operators of the state’s institutions will earn double benefits. They will be able to condemn their opposition internationally as racists while cementing their client-support at home, as they cover up their own insider deals.
7. A universally validated truth, transcending national and continental boundaries, needs to be formulated here. It concerns the operators of “ethno-businesses” thriving on state-allocated donations. Clever operators extend these bribes in exchange for votes. The tricksters claim to represent their supposedly protected, compensated and furthered clients. These manipulations often consist of apprentice Robin Hoods. The “real McCoy” Robin took from the rich and gave to the poor. By now, his imitators have gotten far in their learning process. By now, they already take from the rich but still keep the proceeds for themselves. Presumably, once they have amassed enough, they will implement “Lesson 2”. At that point the second part of R. H.’s recipe will be realized. Perhaps. However, please do not hold your breath.
8. The above suggests that, ruining a minority to benefit politicians seeking to legitimize their rule is best accomplished after a bit of brainwash. The trick is debase that minority and to keep it dependent while, at the same time, hindering its integration. To do so, part of the group must be criminalized while keeping much of the rest unemployable. This is best achieved if one convinces the kidnapped group’s members that they are, due to their ancestors’ real and alleged past suffering, not accountable for their actions now. To complete the job, amend the snake medicine. So add that, any attempt to prevent or to punish illegal actions if committed by those that “belong”, are automatically a sign of racism.
9. March 7. In Malmö (local whispers identify it as alien dominated) the Swedes tried to host the visiting Israeli tennis team.. It took a thousand cops to contain few hundred demonstrators. The crowd did not come for the tennis. As a replacement of the fun of sports, the eradication of Israel was vigorously demanded.
10. Historically, a minority problem meant that the majority tended to disadvantage the minority. Nowadays, at least in communities shaped by liberalism and harboring large culturally alien minorities, the problem appears in a new form. It is that the principally nonconforming and therefore inassimilable minority enjoys the “human right” to terrorize the majority. (See Malmö.)
11. Rightly, the demand is made that; majorities need to tolerate their minorities. It is telling regarding the resulting misuse of immigration as a right and of a protected identity, that a demand arises for the amendment of these privileges. At the risk of getting labeled a “Fascist”, one is to add that, non-indigenous minorities need to be politely requested to deign to tolerate the hosting majority and its “erroneous” ways.
12. Even if physically located in Europe, live events from the US are easy to follow from afar. An insight from seeing Rush Limbaugh’s “address to the nation” follows. Mr. Limbaugh must resist the temptation of turning his popularity and influence into a formal political (as in “politician”) role. If he can do this, he might well be able to play a major role in a coming Republican revival.
13. It is logical that, the good people that tackle the problem of peace making in the Near East, begin with identifying the crux of the problem. The fundamental issue might be a Palestinian one. Due to its impracticality, the Palestinians pursue the wrong political – and as several lost wars suggest the wrong military – goal. They do not struggle to make a new beginning. They persist even if many successful societies are the conscious products of the will to start anew after having failed to achieve the impossible. What the Palestinian leaders and their clients want is a future under the conditions and at the venue of the past. This confers upon them a beautiful lost cause and the likelihood of continued failure in the future.
14. Stable democracy is about more than simple majority rule. One of the essentials is security. This means the safe enjoyment of legally guaranteed rights. (The “Stalin Constitution” was highly liberal. However, those invoking it were laid to rest in the national deep freezer.) Security also implies that your person’s safety and property rights are guaranteed. The state’s monopoly of power has its purpose in the enforcement of such fundamental rights. Trouble beckons if the state, lacking the means or due to a misapplied ideology, becomes incapable or unwilling to protect the rights of its citizens. On March 4, the burgomaster of a village in Hungary launched an initiative. It reacts to the generally sensed breakdown of security. The intent is to protect those from prosecution who are, given the lack of police-presence, forced to resort to violence in order to protect themselves. He noted that if the government cannot protect its people then, the citizen should be enabled to do so without the fear of legal consequences. The idea seems to be that, where the law does not rule, it is the criminals that are allowed to act with impunity. The victim should be given the right to react to this challenge as long as an, impotence-dictated and PC-correct moratorium, on enforcement persists.